New Enlgand Outdoor Thread


Well-Known Member
Hello to everybody in New England, it's almost outdoor growing season once again..... Here's the place to discuss our grows, because we're all pretty much in the same boat climate wise.

I'm doing a guerilla grow this year, and I'm just starting to germ my seeds now. I'm going to start them indoors for the first couple of weeks and then I hope to have them in the ground by the end of April.

When is everyone else starting? I looked on the farmer's almanac for tomatoes and it said April 27th for Mass. so I'm basing it off that.
Yeah man your plan sounds good. Im up in Maine myself. Going to be germing them pretty soon here and put em out at the end of may. What strains are you looking at?

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Im in Maine too I grow indoors but am planning on an outdoor grow this year. Will be my first outdoor grow in 15 years or so.

I have clones of Violator Kush, The Church, Hashplant x Haze and Kushberry x Skunk form my perpetual indoors grow. Im took some extra cuttings 2 weeks ago for the outdoors crop. I plan on them going out mid May.


Well-Known Member
I'm just doing all bagseeds, so far I only have 9 but I just bought an eighth of some mid grades so I should have plenty of seeds lol.

The last frost is usually mid April, so we should be alright pretty soon cause this year it got warm really early.


Well-Known Member
new york here, get them started quick if you want big plants.i cant prove this but over the years i believe the plants i start earliest flower the quickest even with the same strain.say my plants growing now will flower sooner than one i start a month from now. and the ones in the ground always seem to flower sooner than ones in buckets. ive never heard anyone else realy say that but in 15 or so years of growing thats my observations. it may be my imagination or the fact i baby the better ones but it usualy seems that way. especialy the bucket vs ground, ground is always better and quicker they take as long to flower just seem to start sooner, so they are done sooner. talking a week at most but still its precious time here. anyhow i cant put anything out untill end of may here. going to the adirondacks to cranberry lake third week in may then come home and plant. well good luck guys.


Well-Known Member
im growing in trees; true guerrilla growing!

i have a lil baby thats been growing with a combination of window and CFL light

im building a platform this weekend or maybe monday, and the plant is going outside on the 28

anyone else think the weather these past few days has been REALLY tempting?


yo guys, i live in central MA and im growing for my first time this summer, bought some white widow feminized seeds from nirvana, when do you think i should plant em outside? I can't start em off indoors other than germination


Well-Known Member
Im in CT. Im soo stoked this growing season. I planted my seeds in soil on march 31st. I got an early start.I have my plants growin on the window sill and on nice ass days i put them outside to get some freshh air. I have 3 bagseed plants all from very good pot. I plan on keeping them in pots and put them outside for good on May 1st. Check out my plants so far.Good luck with everyones grow!


Well-Known Member
ill post some pics of my progression later im a liitle exited this year. its the first year im having an all seed grow in 5 years. and ive been puting a little extra time into it. sucks where i live end of may is the earliest i can plant it snowed here yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Yooooo im in mass and this summers gonna be my second outdoor grow. we got TONS of rain last summer and i think it stunted my plants. i grew in pots last time and this time i plan on putting a mix of soil/compost and coco in holes in the ground. do you think excessive rain will be less of an issue this way i.e. drowned roots?
Hey what's up? I'm hoping to get some NL#5 and some Strawberry Diesel outside this season. I've got the NL#5's started already and waiting for the StrawberryD's. I'm tempted to put a few out early too. If they aren't mature I wouldn't expect them to flower early, so maybe I'll put one or two out May 1 too. The rest are waiting a few weeks longer.