new grow 3 day old sedlings. do they look normal for 3 days?

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Leaf growth looks usual for what I get but they seem a bit stretched, might be the angle but they look a little stretched to me. I'd buy the stem a bit! :leaf:


Sector 5 Moderator
They look perfectly normal for 3 day seedlings. It's normal for them to stretch at first. After hardening them off under the lights for a few more days you'll want to lower it if you can. What kind of lights are you using for them?


Active Member
They look perfectly normal for 3 day seedlings. It's normal for them to stretch at first. After hardening them off under the lights for a few more days you'll want to lower it if you can. What kind of lights are you using for them?
just cfls. 5600k for about 2 weeks then 2700k for flowering. im doing a small stealth grow so i gotta keep em small...
Thise cfl's need to be a couple inches from the plant... After a few weeks you will need to repot as they will get roor bound. Be sure and punch some holes near the bottom of the cups for ventilation and runoff.