New grow - Crystal / Ice Outdoor

Thanks Clint, appreciate it.

Have a Cannon 500D it does a great job and while it might not be the best camera or most expensive, I only use it for holidays and taking pictures of my weed so it serves its purpose. Also there is no need to turn off the HPS light, for me that is a +, I cant be asked with wiring in a normal bulb just so I can take pictures.

Your ice looks super dank, I am seeing at least 5 fems in my grow I believe, this first week of flower will make sure and pull the one male I think is in there. Still it will be an interesting outcome if flower goes well 5 different strains in one small grow box, will probably have to run 9 weeks just to make sure on my Darkstar and see with the other strains how they go. How many weeks did you flower your last Ice inside?

I got my seeds from Herbies and Attitude, both are reliable companies with good re-ship options and stealth packaging.

Will be really keen to see how your grow turns out Clint. I am just excited to see some pre-flowers and if all goes well to know ill be smoking my own home grown herb in about 2-3 months (I will cure most of it as I am thinking of running BHO on the trimmings if I can get a vac pump etc).

I have barely smoked recently as I am not a daily smoker, just recreational, so yer BHO will probably knock my socks off, haha.

Bho will knock your socks off and make ya toes curl up !!!!
I love all the strains you got goin on , Hope ya get some good girlz out of it .
I flowered my indoor grow for almost 10 weeks . I were waiting on my jewelers loup to turn up .
I got sick of waiting , pulled plant and it turned up the next day ! Of coarse ...
Bho will knock your socks off and make ya toes curl up !!!!
I love all the strains you got goin on , Hope ya get some good girlz out of it .
I flowered my indoor grow for almost 10 weeks . I were waiting on my jewelers loup to turn up .
I got sick of waiting , pulled plant and it turned up the next day ! Of coarse ...

Haha, yeh, I heard bho done right is about 70% stronger than just smoking buds, never tried so it would be an interesting experience. I wish I had a massive warehouse that I could just plant every single strain I have in at once (have more than 40 in seed form), but I figure grow by grow you try stains and find stuff you like and seeds last a long time so there is no rush to just try everything all at once. Also growing multiple strains in hydro has its down sides with different grow times and nutrient requirements etc.

I was looking at getting Grandaddy Purple as a winter grow, because I read if you drop your temp in reservoir down in the last few weeks it brings out this awesome purple color in your buds and makes them super dank. Stuff like that would cause issues of course though with multi-strain grows.

wow 10 weeks, how amber were the trichs by then? was it a really heavy stone by that stage? usually an earlier harvest more pick me up and later harvest more couch lockish so just curious how yours turned out and I might harvest some early and tell you how mine differed from yours.
Haha, yeh, I heard bho done right is about 70% stronger than just smoking buds, never tried so it would be an interesting experience. I wish I had a massive warehouse that I could just plant every single strain I have in at once (have more than 40 in seed form), but I figure grow by grow you try stains and find stuff you like and seeds last a long time so there is no rush to just try everything all at once. Also growing multiple strains in hydro has its down sides with different grow times and nutrient requirements etc.

I was looking at getting Grandaddy Purple as a winter grow, because I read if you drop your temp in reservoir down in the last few weeks it brings out this awesome purple color in your buds and makes them super dank. Stuff like that would cause issues of course though with multi-strain grows.

wow 10 weeks, how amber were the trichs by then? was it a really heavy stone by that stage? usually an earlier harvest more pick me up and later harvest more couch lockish so just curious how yours turned out and I might harvest some early and tell you how mine differed from yours.

That Grandaddy purple sounds awsome , i tried few autoberry strains but lost them all (newb mistakes )
The trichs on mine were pretty amber by then . Very heavy stone , don't plan anything type stone , i just jump on the pc
head straight to riu and have some fun !!!
Damn I cant wait to see how your outdoor one goes becasue that looks killer :mrgreen:

Hey thanx bro , it will be interesting to see the yeild differance between indoor and outdoor !
My indoor got to around 80cm high and i got around 4 ounces off it . There was some big fat buds off that baby , some were 10gram buds !!!
My Ice plant out doors is already 1.5 metres high and filling out nice . all branches are already staggering so bring on the buds !!!
It's still summer here so i think this plant will get a heap bigger yet . Then plus flowering time this will be one big plant .
As my plants so far have doubled in size once they start flowering .
Some updates on ice !
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These poor little guys are white widow that have been through hell , first off Roxy my dog has snapped the 2 plants on the right in half .
I hade to stake them and tie them up straight again , They seem ok , i mean they havn't died !
Then they went through 41c + heat for 4 days straight .
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This one is crystal i think , it has been in the same time as my ice but dosn't get nowhere the amount of sun as the ice, hense size diff .
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Haha you suffered through the heat as badly as me, if your 41 though I don't think we live in the same city, mine was hotter than that. Have you heard next weak is meant to be another heat wave...

I have three plants outdoors, have not checked on them for a couple of days, I only go when I need to water every 3 days now, don't want to draw attention to my grow location if not needed.
Oh I forgot to write, why am I seeing only edge shots of all your plants? I'm going to post an update of mine tomorrow I think.

i got my new puppy this afternoon from the airport so it's been really hectic, settling him in and introducing to other dogs, trying to encourage him to use his bed etc.
Hey thanx bro , it will be interesting to see the yeild differance between indoor and outdoor !
My indoor got to around 80cm high and i got around 4 ounces off it . There was some big fat buds off that baby , some were 10gram buds !!!
My Ice plant out doors is already 1.5 metres high and filling out nice . all branches are already staggering so bring on the buds !!!
It's still summer here so i think this plant will get a heap bigger yet . Then plus flowering time this will be one big plant .
As my plants so far have doubled in size once they start flowering .

Hey man, yeah it defiantly will be interesting to see the difference between indoor and outdoor! That plant is looking big as now.
Your in Australia aren't you? Im from New Zealand so its outdoor season and summer here to :mrgreen:
I reckon once that Ice starts budding it will get real big. Poor little white widows and crystal, the Ice is defiantly the star of the show hahah
Cant wait for flower time!
Haha you suffered through the heat as badly as me, if your 41 though I don't think we live in the same city, mine was hotter than that. Have you heard next weak is meant to be another heat wave...

I have three plants outdoors, have not checked on them for a couple of days, I only go when I need to water every 3 days now, don't want to draw attention to my grow location if not needed.
I live in vic bro , and yes another heat wave approches !
My temp did hit 46c at some point , 41c was an average bro !

Oh I forgot to write, why am I seeing only edge shots of all your plants? I'm going to post an update of mine tomorrow I think.

i got my new puppy this afternoon from the airport so it's been really hectic, settling him in and introducing to other dogs, trying to encourage him to use his bed etc.
What do you mean by edge shots ? oh what type of puppy did ya get ?
Please post pics of your new best friend in pics of your pets thread !
Your Ice reminds me of my Malawi!


I like how your Cannabis plant is like Fuck you lime tree (im guessing its lime cause it looks like that), this is my garden and I'm taking over.

BTW if we have a plant this big in Australia someone is sure as hell going to spot it in your garden, to many helicopters flying about (most not police, but they would report it regardless). If you had a rural property this may be possible but even now days most rural properties have neighbors to close who are going to cause you issues. I lived in the countryside before and had a forest a few blocks from my house, even on a rural property id still rather plant in the forest than in my yard where it could be spotted.

The day they make Cannabis legal in Australia is the day ill grow a plant that big in my yard.
We call that tree Sangria because it has Lime, Lemon, Orange and Tangerine all on the same tree! It almost died because it was not getting any light :P

The garden looked so bare when I finally gave up on the rotting lowers:

We call that tree Sangria because it has Lime, Lemon, Orange and Tangerine all on the same tree! It almost died because it was not getting any light :P

The garden looked so bare when I finally gave up on the rotting lowers:


Oh I know this plant, I prefer to grow straight fruits though, easier to sell here. Used to have Mango, nectarine, passionfruit, guavas, avocados, pineapples, bananas, watermelons, plums, cherries, peaches, pear. Actually there are not many fruits or vegetables I have not tried growing that suite Australian climates. Used to live up on the north east coast where it is tropical most of the year, you cant fail at growing things there really.

Your neighbor looks so close, if I had a plant that big and a neighbor that close I would not be arrested for about 10mins before police were swarming my house like I was some massive drug producer, dumbasses would say the thing weighed 20 pounds and id be sitting in jail for next 10 years, NO THANKS!!!.

Haha your right about your yard though just doesn't look the same without it. You must have got a good harvest.
Yes we did - stopped trimming when we got to 3 pounds. Donated 5 pounds to different dispensaries in town. Composted and burned 10 more pounds of rotten :P

The ice looks good i was going to get some a few years ago but i went with the pineapple kush and white rhino instead!
Yeh I feel you Mo,

I did some trimming way back in the day.

My flat mate at the time new someone who had who knows how many crops, but he asked if I wanted some trimming work for like $15 an hour, I was hard up for cash at the time so I said ok, WORST decision ever.... people who have never trimmed think trimming weed must be a cool job, it sure as hell was not. This guy had like 50 pounds to trim and apparently that was only from 2 of his crops, he had a bunch more a few weeks later but I was like HELL NO!!!

3 pounds is a lot anyway, I would not want to have that much around my house...I have spot to stash my buds when I cure from these grows anyway, so at least if police roll up on my grow I don't have any extra weight they can add to the charges.. Here is stupid, if you have paraphernalia they can charge you even more, its just prohibition run a muck.

Just leave people be to work hard and relax how they want in their free time...I don't even drink and am a casual smoker, don't sell, I really cant see the harm to be honest
Update y'all
Ice is now almost 1.7 metres tall and abit over 1 metre wide at base .
It is still not showing sex , i pray for a bitch , these were reg seeds .
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Crystal is growing very slow , its only about 60cm tall , it gets know where near the amount of sunlight as the others .
It has starded getting pistals already tho , so it is a fem .
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