New grow room!


Well-Known Member
Hi all...I have previously made a post about a small grow area that I was going to use...but now I have a closet free in my house. The closet is pretty big: 5ft wide x 7ft long x 8ft tall.

I was thinking of growing 5 - 6 plants in there with a 400watt MH(veg) and 400watt HPS(flower). Would this be sufficient?

Even with 6 plants, I will still have plenty of room for more...but I just want to stick with 6 or so. What do yall think?


Well-Known Member
sounds good, how will you be ventilating your grow?

I am going to install a vent fan in the ceiling...kinda like I have in my bathroom:

Of course, they are going to be big enough to properly vent the room. I am also going to install the same system to bring fresh air in. An oscillating fan will be in there as well.

The vents are going to be wired to a light switch for convenience.

BTW, how many plants do you think I can squeeze in a room like this? Like I said, I am planning on growing 5 or 6 plants...but would be nice if I can do a bit more ;)


Well-Known Member
that ventilation sounds very nice. . well the most ive ever done is 5 plants. . i vegged them for about a month. . they got really big and out of control . . will you have seeds? or clones? if you have seeds i think the rule of thumb is maybe one plant per square foot. . at minnimum . . you have a pretty big room. . so you can fit quite a few. . i totally forgot about the lighting though. . for more plants i think youde need bigger lights. . maybe a 600w. . 400w only cover a 4X4 space at most i think . . is this your first grow?


Well-Known Member
Yea this is my first grow, and I'm growing from seeds not clones. I think I might just stick to 5 plants for now, then do more later one. Like I said, it is my first grow and im pretty excited!

I was hoping that the 400W would be enough...


Well-Known Member
just some quick advice, if your growing from seeds, and they are not feminized ide plant like ten. . so you can hopefully get your 5 females out of them.. i would say 400w is good enough for 5 plants. . but not enough to fill your whole space with plants and have them recieve good enough light. . so are they just seeds from a bag you picked up? or did you purchase certain genetics? do you know what nutrients you plan on using? container size. . stuff like that?


Well-Known Member
Im getting White Widow, White Berry, Durban Poison, Northern Lights x Skunk...all fem seeds.

I am going to use Fox Farm nutes, and still deciding on container size. I am currently in the process of getting my lights as well.


Well-Known Member
nice! all of those are dank. ive never tried fox farm nutes but i love their organic mix, ocean forest! I hear good things about fox farm nutes though.. in my opinion ide either go with a 3gallon or 5gallon container.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree with Waldocat your going to want more light and a 400 watt is good for a 4'x4' area. I would probably go with atleast a 600 which covers 6'.5"x6'.5" area. Or better yet go with (2) 400 watt MH for the veg and then switch to (2) 400 watt HPS for the flower. The two lights provide better coverage and hits more of the plant. If your on a budget and can do just the 400 then also buy some mylar and put it up on the walls and surrounding area. You could also think about dividing the closet into two rooms, one for veg and one for flower. I do this in one of my rooms for poppies with tarp. But with two seperate rooms you can just keep the mothers going and flower the clones you get off her. This way you dont have to grow so many at one time. heres some pics of a closet that is 7 ft long and 27" wide. There are (2) 600 watt MH bulbs in now.

Also heres some pictures of my other grow room that I divided with a tarp. If you uses black its much more effective at blocking light from the other side. The blue in this use to actually be black but It had to be changes out cuase the black tarp was needed elsewhere..

Veg room. Overhead lights on for the pic.

Grow room with Persian Whites

Almost ready :-)


Well-Known Member
thats a really good idea, you do have the space for a veg, and flower. if you do decide to do something like that i would go with some black and white poly to partition the grows. that stuff blocks out all light and reflects light really well. . its heavy duty, pretty cheap as well.


Well-Known Member
Do they?? Uh... The person who is growing those are growing them for decorative arraingments with dried poppy pods I'm sure. I dont know for certain though cause I dont know the person who is growing them, I got the pictures off the internet. Im sure he or she is growing them instead of buying the dried pods off of ebay or another place. I dont condone drug use in any fashion because its illegal in most countries as is growing illegal drugs.


Well-Known Member
The 400 will be ok for 3 plants depending on how big you get them. If you grow them to big in the closet the bottom will stop recieving any light.....wait I just thought of an idea that could work for you. Get a light rail and put it in. A light rail is a rail that you put the reflector on and then the light goes back and forth down the rail. This means that with the light moving it will be hitting more of your plants. But thats something you can worry about in a few weeks. To get you started you will be fine with a 400 cause the plants will be short and therefore they will all be getting plenty light. Its recomended that you use MH for the veg and then switch over to HPS for the flower. But if your low on funds and can only get one bulb dont worry you'll be fine with just a HPS or MH.


Well-Known Member
It depends on how many opiates you want and of what kind. For raw opium it takes about 10-12 pods for a gram. Out of a gram of raw you get about 80% of that back when you purify it. Then you can make it into morphine which you'll get about about a tenth of that and then for heroin you get about the same.

These pods will be lanced 4 times throughout the next week or so.