New grower! Advice....


So I know as a new grower I've made some mistakes and over did some things. First let me tell you bout my set up. I have a 1000 watt mh/mps light and 300 watt led. The first mistake I made was sitting my seedlings under both lights after being instructed not too. How ever my plants was stretching really bad so I thought it needed more light but after a few days I decided that my 8 day old plants was starting to show signs of heat/light stress. To fix this problem I shut the led off and turned my mh down to 50%. My grow room is actually a bedroom bout 12x12 and I read it was suppose to be warm in the room so I was running a radiator heater to warm the room however a few times it got extremely hot in there. I was running the heater because it got really cold in there at night but its starting to warm up so the room is now stay between 65/74 degrees. My humidity was staying at around 40% but I hung a wet towell in there and it has brought it up to 60% I have one commercial fan and a DIY co2 generator. My plants are still green but small and jus now starting to grow another set of leaves. Any advice on what is wrong, things I need to add would greatly be appreciated. O and my lights is 31 inches from plant on 18/6 schedule