New grower looking for locals of like mind


Well-Known Member
HIya folks! I'm a newbie grower, nearing completion of my first indoor grow. I've got 3 of 5 plants left and they're WAY bigger than I thought they'd be (next time I'll veg less! And planning a Scrog.) I've been reading forum posts here and even posted my grow room plans (not many responses but oh well). Anyway I'm wondering what is the best way to get into contact with local growers. DISCREETLY of course. I've always been a home-body so I don't know many people, and only have one contact to get local herb. I don't want anyone in any trouble, but it'd be nice to be able to to sit down and have coffee at someone's house to talk about how our plants are doing, strategies for growing, recipes for edibles (my fave), etc.

I'm hoping my girls will yield lots of "brownie mix"! I also make cookies and am going to experiment with chocolates this weekend!

Anyone have any suggestions for me? I live in the midwest.


Well-Known Member
wish I could help, a home person myself, and don't have that many friends who grow or I trust enough to let in on my secret :D
but mehh Im in Denmark Scandinavia, but your always welcome for that cup of coffee and a smoke/cookie

39/male/Denmark :D


Active Member
Id think your better off just keeping it to your self. Do lots of reading here and other sites. Start a grow journal. That helps too. As far as meeting up with strangers for grow talk Id say its a bad idea. But that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. I do my socializing here sometimes smoking, sometimes while drinking coffee. Human interaction is overated. I like the warmth of a Virtual Private Network wrapped around me while I discuss illegal activities. If my state ever pulls the trigger and make mj legal, I will be the first to setup a local growers meetup in my area. 'Til then, the screen is my window to the world.

45/male/Texas :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I left out location in my original post because I didn't want to draw undue attention to anyone (myself included) without seeing what public opinion on the matter was first. 33/m(doesn't matter really)/Kentucky.

I don't crave MUCH human interaction, but something more than talking to the guy at the not-so-local hydro store about (air-quotes) "TOMATOES" doesn't really cut it. Many times I think of questions I'd like to ask, and don't have any qualms about searching here for the answers, which thankfully I usually find pretty easily thanks to all the good info and members here, but often asking that question of a person, IN PERSON, leads to FAR more information than you originally were looking for. This verbal communication is very valuable as conversation flows and one story leads to another and to another helpful tidbit of information.

Just my two cents! :)

As I tell myself every time I pick up a spatula, "keep bakin'!" ( and yes, I make lots of edibles! )