New Grower- Male or Female?Pix here...


Active Member
:mrgreen:I am a first time grower and I need to know if my plants are male, female, or hermi. I also am having plant problems with yellowing, crispy tips and edges of the leaves. I have not checked the ph yet which I am planning to do soon. My soil is organic with worm castings, with a small amount of Nitrogen in it. I have only fed the plant Peter's Super Blossom Boost nutrients one time a couple weeks ago. It is a ratio of 10-50-20 which I have now found out that it is too much phosphorous, but I was having burnt edge problems before I added the nutrients anyway though. These seeds were not from a seedbank also and I am using 2 flourescent grow lights in a small cabinet. I have also had it on a 12/12 lighting schedule for a couple weeks now. If anyone can help me tell what sex these 2 plants are and what could be causing the leaves to yellow and crisp, it would be sooo helpful. :joint:


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Active Member
What if it is just the bottom leaves that are having crispy, yellowish areas? Still lights too close? They are about 4inch away from bulbs. Thank you all for the advice, btw.


Well-Known Member
So what are you going to do with these plants?

And for future reference, only 1 plant per pot, they will do much, much better.


Well-Known Member
and aluminum on the wall will create more heat than anything and will only reflect like 30% light bak to ur plants get rid of it go to a store and buy wrapping paper with the shiny shit on the inside its mylar but cheaper priced


Well-Known Member
Better pics would be nice, but I swear that taller plant in the first pic looks like a male with a huge cluster of nuts.


Well-Known Member
and aluminum on the wall will create more heat than anything and will only reflect like 30% light bak to ur plants get rid of it go to a store and buy wrapping paper with the shiny shit on the inside its mylar but cheaper priced
You're right.

Aluminium foil reflects HEAT on your plants. It will burn holes right through your leaves. Get rid of it and get mylar.


Active Member
Yea i told my bf not to put the shiny side as the reflector on the sides cause it would burn (at lease that's what i found out online later) and to separate the 2 plants so they wouldn't be fighting for light, nutes, space etc. but he didn't wanna disrupt the root system. Damn it I so knew we should have separated them. The top does look like balls on that tallest, but none yet on the smaller but i don't know if its just growing slow. Is it possible to still smoke males or do you turn them into hash or something? I'm so disappointed, is their a way to turn them into fems? Like that spray you can use. Oh, btw Im gonna get more close up pix..


Well-Known Member
You are looking for a spray to turn your male into a female? I doubt that will be tough to acquire. There is probably 100 people here that would be willing to sell you some of that.


Active Member
Actually, I thought of maybe buying it online somewhere if they were verified as male and wanted to save them. But I also heard you can put it in the light for an hour during the 12 hr dark period or something like that, and it would turn them fem. I don't know anything about it though. I think I'm just going to order from seedbank and do everything with the new ones that I've learned so far off here, and hope for the best. I'm hellbent on getting this shit right. Indoor growing I mean.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought but maybe you should do some more research, maybe buy a book or something. I would rethink some of your previous most of them


Well-Known Member
yeah i seen that in ont of the pics to it LOOK like u have nuts on the top but im not quite sure but since u say u do juss squeeze one of the balls and see what comes out


Well-Known Member
WOW, sorry to tell you, you got a lot of bad info from somewhere. Take everything you think you know about growing cannabis, and forget it. Start fresh here on RIU and learn from us.

I still run into people all the time that swear you can tell male or female by counting the points on the leaves. LOL!