New growth foliage curls every time i foliar spray can anyone explain why??


Active Member
Hi any help would be great.
when i foliar spray with either VHO, Thunder bloom, or Seaweed Extract I always get this on the new growth. I mix it up between a DNF wetting agent and DM Saturater Gold, and my pH is perfectly on 6 when i spray them.
I'm getting so frustrated because this happens in veg and bloom and it takes them 1-2 weeks to fix and start growing again. Maybe its only when i use the saturater this happens, and would like help instead of it happening again. Also can anyone tell me a faster way to correct them instead of waiting a few weeks.

the plants are in becuzz or Nutri Mix HP and the main things i water them with using a RO Water is Advanced 3 Part, sensi bloom GH Grow Nova, GH Nova Bloom all depending on there stage and strain.
I normal foliar with these products keeping my Ph around 5.8-6.
Thunder bloom, VHO, Marinis Liquid Kelp, Superthrive, SS2000. the wetting agent i use most is dutch master Saturater, and DNF wetting Agent. Again I don't combined these but i use one with the agents at different times in the cycle. OH I also use Bushmaster, and purplemax but never get this leaf curl.

Hope this is enough info for a few answers


Ursus marijanus
I would have to say that it is the plants' way of saying "please stop spraying that crap on us!!".
Relying on the roots for all their nutritional needs works really well ime. cn


Well-Known Member
I would have to say that it is the plants' way of saying "please stop spraying that crap on us!!".
Relying on the roots for all their nutritional needs works really well ime. cn
I agree with canna, quit trying to increase yeilds through foilage spray. The roots are in the soil,. I'm not trying to bust your balls but if your adjusting your PH you have a certain amount of growing knowledge. Take it to the next level and only spray with ph adjusted water. I only spray when the humidity goes below 40 %.


Well-Known Member
well there is a lot off reasons and shapes and reactions from foliar feeding, just try not to overdo it sound like your ingredients are a little strong, another thing to keep in mind is only spray in the morning and evenings and only if fresh air is being exchanged