New Kid on the Block (with new products)


Well-Known Member
This is my first post here and I have decided to share my new room. I am joining the likes of the water cooled revolution. I have invested in three brand new Fresca Sol Platinum Series jackets with 1k Sunmaster HPS bulbs hung vertically. I have spent the last month building my room and I have finally gotten to the equipment part. I am new to using this technology but I have set up a regular Fresca Sol at a friend of mines with great results. I will be finishing up in the next couple of days with the equipment and testing phase. My babies are Joeysweed Blue Apollo. They are f1 clones (moms from seed) and have been topped and vegging for 3 months.
Please feel free to give me any advice! Here is a list of what is used. I may miss some stuff...

3 Fresca Sol platinums (vertical)
3 1K Sunmaster HPS
3 C.A.P. Nextgen Ballasts @ 240v hung from ceiling
Co2 (bottle for now, burner later)
96 gallon Res for fresca sols
1/4 hp eco plus chiller
mag pumps for water system
C.A.P. Ebb and grow Hydro system w/ 2 expansions (24 pots, 8 per light)
Nutradip 3-1 Meter
Medium is clay pellets
2 wall fans
C.A.P. O-zone1 (treats 5500 sf of odor)
Sunlight 240v power box
Full Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Nutes

My tap water is 150ppm so its decent. After this round I plan on buying a natural gas burner (recommendations?) and a merlin 750 gpd RO unit w/ booster pump. I still need to put eye hooks with rope under the three fresca sols so they wont sway from the center.
Thanks for visiting!

Please post all your updates. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. How it going. And more to the point, Is the room ready for fertiliasation

P.s insect infestation under control. thanks for the info on the hot shot's. I also have spinosad and this seems to have eradicated the problem...



Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm incredibly jealous of your setup!

I have no experience with res chillers, but I do have experience with cooling equipment which is virtually the same thing. I'd find it hard to believe that your res chiller is working optimally if its hitting 93 degrees. If your using a 900 GPH pump to power the water that does the cooling you may want to think about swapping it out for a LOWER GPH pump. You want to make sure you are giving the heat exchange process some time to work since you dont have the benefit of a thermostat to control the water flow.

Again - I have no experience with a res chiller specifically but if I'm reading your setup right - it seems like your water flow is to high to make the chiller work effectively.


Active Member
So folks, after a long battle, I lost my plants in the dwc veg bucket to the dreaded root slime. The room works great, tested it ect. Stable temps and times. Now I just need some healthy plants. I have started a post in the plant problem page here: and would really appreciate the help in a new grow

I have a fresh start with fresh cutting in my ez cloner and I am going to make way to clean the room with a mild bleach wash. I will also flip on the ozone generator to kill any spores in the room.
I cant wait to flower in this room, but need some help to get there. I have been growing for years and have never run into a problem. But it was a different place, with a different set-up.


Well-Known Member
Jeffersonbud, I think you're going to need a bigger chiller for 3k of light. I bought into the 100 gal per 1k and figured I could go without. My temps got into the low 100's. Everything still ran great but my pumps manual clearly states not to be used in liquids above 85 degrees. I built a chiller for 100 bucks out of a window AC unit that can handle 3k. Otherwise you'll likely need a 3/4-1hp unit. You can also run a coil of stainless steel tubing in your rez and pump your chilled water through it. DWC loves 65 degree water.


Active Member
Sorry fellas it's taken so long. Bacteria is a son-of-a-bitch.
I really appreciate you guys sticking with me!

I started another batch of clones after the ones I was supposed to transplant but failed as well. Another chiller for my reservoir and chemical ferts seem to be working. It came down to reservoir temp mixed with organic ferts. I never had a problem in my old place using a drip slab system. Never covered my reservoir, never cleaned the system, never chilled my ferts below 78 degrees... It was the fact that I was using bennies mixed with the rockwool slabs acting as a natural bio filter.

I have shit under control and will get a journal started after this weekend. I went 12/12 yesterday @ a foot tall and topped.

Sneak peak???



Active Member
Oh and I hear ya on the chiller! I have a small 8000 btu ac unit for the summer and have a lower gph pump. My temps in the light reservoir never exceed 85 and my room stays at 77 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jeff

Looking really good mate,
What made you descide to grow using this method?
With such a large area you have all options available to you........

Looking forward to more updates....
Conrats on the setup,


Active Member
Hey Jeff

Looking really good mate,
What made you descide to grow using this method?
With such a large area you have all options available to you........

Looking forward to more updates....
Conrats on the setup,
I really wanted to do a vertical grow. The vents on my ceiling limit the height of my lights so I figured vertical is the best plus the fact that its more efficient. i would like to get some large phenotype plants in there eventually. The ebb and grow is so adjustable that they can be placed in a circle unlike most hydroponic units. I do have more space in the room and I am sure the place will change as the years go by.

I have seen many vertical grows achieve better results then basic overhead lighting and since I like adopting new technology and I am very open to new methods a water cooled system hung vertical seemed like a fun choice. Without any large fans in my room exchanging air and scrubbing, it totally disappears in my house.


Active Member
i ended up using a small swimming pool to cool my op...retired my chiller!
I wish! I am going to upgrade to a larger chiller but need to run a new circuit to handle the extra amps. I am basically broke and needing a grow under my belt! If the room stays at 78 during the summer with a small window ac and this water cooled setup then I am very pleased!