New Leaves are yellow


Well-Known Member
God, I'm going to get flamed for this one but....

I'm on my first grow. I started with 15, I poisoned them all by waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over fertilizing. Like, I hadn't even finished watering the plants when they started to keel over and die. In total, I lost 11 of my plants. Then, through the grace of God Himself, I found out I had a friend who got me 2 clones from the local medicinal shop, hehe. So far, I've only poisoned one, to the brink of death, but I think I have managed to save it.

So here's my problem; The good clone's new leaves are turning yellow. That's what is confusing me, is that it is JUST the new leaves, whether they are high or low.

The plants get 22 hrs of two 300 watt HPS (pretty sure HPS, maybe MH) lights a day. I've started to mist them with VERY VERY diluted 10-15-10 as the lights go out for two hours (doing that for 2 days). For two weeks now we've sprinkled some 10-10-10 fertilizing pellets once a week, about half of the recommended dosage. Been watering every 3-4 days. pH is around 6.5 for each plant. Temperature is about 80 with the lights on and 72 with the lights off. And I have an oscillating fan blowing at all times for a nice, constant breeze.

I think that covers everything.

3 pics are attached. You can clearly see the new top leaves are a little yellow, the bottom ones are not so clear.

