Active Member
ya i though to dood but you want respect after you call me a fukin ok>???...cought me off gaurd there.
Mineral salts have an antagonistic relationship to one another when it comes to being utilized by the plant. Overdose one mineral and you'll usually lock out multiple competing elements. Now if you couldn't overfeed a plant or the plant somehow self-regulated the uptake of all minerals at all levels, then this antagonistic relationship wouldn't exist. The key is balance and to avoid a toxic buildup in the medium. This situation of nutrient antagonism will show up a lot faster when using mineral-derived formulas than organics.and why shoulkd anyone with nothing to back their info be taken serious either then.???ive asked many times to show something that says that food will burn a plant..besides an opinion and nobody can do it yet. id eat my words if they could. been quite a few years and ive yet to see a factual piece of data that says this...from a real source. not a forum because we say so. even that..nobody can explain in thoier own info on how this happens or the process to the burns..more than to much food usualy when they cant they dont know how to explain or what happens under the soil.
everyone says they read food burns..where is this info. i dont see it
respect is word used by people who think they deserve it, i dont use the word respect to describe my desired outcome from social interaction sorryhow does on take a quote to them, then in same post get called an idiot a compliment in your country?. im lost how i missread idiot. seemed quite clear. a general post would have been without the quote of me..
hey bud if i took it wrong some weird way then im man enough to admit it an appologize. has nothing to do with ego. its called respect. and calling someone and idiot i dont think falls under that heading...not where im from anyways
You can't blame them, I wouldn't want to photo crispy, yellow plants eitherCannabisworks, how did that hi EC grow finish out for you? the guys from that preach this never seem to finish a grow that way either.
i always finish my grows just fine. just some of us loose interest in sharing after the crap starts on this site again and again
Healthy plants, no doubt. Where are your plants that are older than day 20?.i having a hard time finding crispy...or any deff`s. on them..must be the 2200 ppm they been fed since day 1 of flower i guess.
waste of food but sure hasnt burnt them.
cant seem to find the burnt stuff in any of my albums either...think what ya want