new season new grow cab (flouro)

pictures were taken yesterday morning will post updates next weekend or so. clones are getting transplanted today, clones are starting to ranch out now. having a little trouble with teps in the cab gonna have to figure something out to make the flow better the rooms thermostat is at a current 75 the cab is running etween 75-85 but got up to 88 this morning. ill figure it out. and I little light escapes from door seam so ill put some foam trim around it tonight see is that helps with light and clones will also get there first feeding tomorrow. I'm going full organic so using chicken shit tea with drom of vitamin b1 and superthrive will use a few drops of molasses when I get it. well see how they take it tomorrow and will keep updated also got some ratchet hangers ordered and a new ph and tds tested coming next week.

si I fed the clones and re transplanted them into less dense soil mixture after picking up a huge bag of pearlite. they shot right up after the feeding. also hot the seedlings transplanted and just put 8 domes in with germing seeds for a total of 54 additional seedlings germin. well see how many make it. last time I had a 100% but ik this time that wont be the case. had to turn on all 8 bulbs on the hood but after doubling the bulbs temps shot to the 90s so currently trying to figure out a solution to cool it down in there.any ideas?
so this is just a little update but having some problems as well. mostly with my two older clones iv had them going on 4 weeks and theyre not looking too good.

these seeds are the first doz seedlings theyre looking great just over a week old now looking lush and green!

I have 22 seedlings that have poped soo far out of 54. they are doing good and will be transplanted this week.

also got a new ph tester and tds tester. ph is running 8.0 out of tap and I'm lowering to 6.3-6.8 for watering. tds ppm is 134 out of tap aprox 246-234 after ph downed. also got some ratchet hangers in the mail so I don't have to struggle with adjusting the lights.

now for the bad part my clones were doing good until 4-5 days ago my soil was too compact when I transplanted and was holding water so my plants were getting over watered. so two days later I re transplanted them to better soil mix but damaged a root and stressed them out a ton. so with all that they decided to nute lock on me. idk what to do?!?!?! I flushed them with ph water gave the some ferts and trying to let them dry out and get better the one isn't as bad as the other still green but limp and loosing color slowly the other drained all color over night and the lower 4 sets of leaves I cut off bc they all turned brown. what can I do???

I'm trying to let them heal up and dry out theyre about 80% dry atm but will they recover? I know the dead tissue will obviously never regenerate but will the yellow be able to revert to green? or will it be just the new growth? and will purple stems change back to green after a few weeks if they survive.
some of my stems on the last grow were purple, and they did not change back to green until I was in flower,, kinda wierd, and some in flower were zebra stripped till the end,, buds turned out great though,, i would not worry,,, and yes you plant will heal itself,, i am with whtebb2727 on that one also
so I shouldn't be trippin so mutch? do u think I took the right action? I'm just letting them dry up and hope something gets better now.
I would give it water only for a few and let it get a few good wet dry cycles. If the pot feels light, water it.
that's what I was doing mut I stuck my finger in and even tho it feels real light it was still moist. I have peat in my soil mix so I think its retaining water without a lot of weight. I have a 6 part mix 2 parts soil 2 parts pearlite 1 part verm and 1 part peat
I will probably only start watering once a week. like sundays or something and ferting every other week with a watering to give it more time to dry I was watering every 3-4 days or so. when the top was dry and it felt real light
that's what I was doing mut I stuck my finger in and even tho it feels real light it was still moist. I have peat in my soil mix so I think its retaining water without a lot of weight. I have a 6 part mix 2 parts soil 2 parts pearlite 1 part verm and 1 part peat
I will probably only start watering once a week. like sundays or something and ferting every other week with a watering to give it more time to dry I was watering every 3-4 days or so. when the top was dry and it felt real light
That sounds good. I used peat in mg outdoor and they were in 100 degree heat. I would go a week or so before watering. It was a large pot. Yea, just let it dry more.
ok cool thanks for the advice my cab was getting up into the high 90s so I leave my cab door cracked so it will stay between 75-80 until I can get some more cash and get a better exhaust fan right now I only have a 3 inch 110v fan and a .5v slow 3inch intake. do u think the feeding every other weak would be sufficient? I have 5.1.1. for veg and 2.4.0 for flower
If your having a bad shock problem I would foliar feed only for a few weeks to ensure that the plant only takes in what it needs. One tsp of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and foliar feed that should help the stomas nuclei to not retain so much so the plants look droopy should work tremendously well
the worse off plant stopped drooping last night I haven't checked the other but I would give it a day or two. hoping they will make a come back by just leaving them alone they have food now so crossin my fingers. seedlings are starting to look pretty good.
plants aren't doing too good... just gonna keep watching them and praying.. ordered a 6inch 160cfm fan today to replace the one I currently have to hopefully reduce temps. also picked up a few 70+ clone trays with basin and humidity dome for 5 bucks a piece today for when the cloning begins.
the clones are standing back up now like they should but leaves are still dieing iv seen the tips are trying to start growing again but lower leaves are still dying hopefully they will be able to unlock properly. the second round of seedlings I think are all done I got 22 sprouts so I will transplant them tomorrow after work and update in a few days on the sick babys.