New Setup, Need Input!


Well-Known Member
ok ok ok, so ive got this bottom half of a closet, and a cabinet, and i was thinking of getting some 85W (act. wattage) for clones (x32 prop. trays and domes) for each shelf of the cabinet. the cabinet is 2'Wx1'Lx5'T with 4 sections/shelves. i plan on taking clones from clones and having a perpetual grow. once they veg for a couple weeks ill take clones, and put them in the flowering chamber which is a 38"Wx42"Lx38"T area, with either a 250W or 400W HPS.

my concern is that the 400W will burn the plants. i dont know if i should get a 250 or a 400. i can put the light above the 38" and cut a hole in the top but i dont want it to stretch. i think im gonna go with a 400 and mabye put a plexiglass shield in there. there will be adequate ventilation out of the grow areas as far as i can tell. since im not actually venting outdoors i hope i dont just circulate the hot air back into the areas, but i dont think that will be a problem.

my question is that do you guys think an area a little more than 3'x3'x3' will be to much for a 400W. i plan on doing a micro perpetual grow. i just dont know what lights to order. i have a place to get clones, and everything else, and now have money to order lights, i just dont know what to do... :-( any input? i can post pics tom. if the thread is still alive and anyone responds :P
