New stealth set up need ideas?


Active Member
hey im new to this and i have like a pretty small space picked out but its all i have got. its 35 cm high and 1m long and like 40cm deep in the top of my closet. i cant spend too much money on it and it needs to be hidden from parents. i wanna do it it soil like one plant. looking for ideas on strains, and like set up im mostly worried about the smell any thoughts are helpful:peace:


Well-Known Member
well...... 35cm isnt very much height to play with. if ur only goin 4 one plant then u will probably have to use LTS.

lighting id say CFL's because of the limited space.

strain i would say lowryder or sour diesel. they are supposed to be small indica's.


Active Member
use a light sealed box with the inside painted flat white

use two 23watt cfl lights for veg. and six 23watt cfl lights for flowering

insert two computer fans into the sides of your box.. one for intake at the bottom and the other for exhaust at the top.

buy carbon filter as a material from your local hardware store and wrap it around a 6-12inch cylinder made up of chicken wire. the cylinder should have the circumference size of the exhaust fan so that one side of the cylinder is connected to the exhaust fan and the other end is plugged so that all odors from inside the box are forced to go thru the cylinder carbon filter and out the exhaust fan.

hydroponics will most likely not fit with your space area so watering daily will be a bump in the road since you will have to open up the box with every watering period


Well-Known Member
hey im new to this and i have like a pretty small space picked out but its all i have got. its 35 cm high and 1m long and like 40cm deep in the top of my closet. i cant spend too much money on it and it needs to be hidden from parents. i wanna do it it soil like one plant. looking for ideas on strains, and like set up im mostly worried about the smell any thoughts are helpful:peace:
Bad idea. Your parents WILL find it.


Active Member
ya thats pretty much what i was thinking as far as the lighting and exhaust was going but i think cougarslayer may have a point that my parents will find it. but then again they dont like search my room looking for these things so it might be ok also im not set on putting it there i also considered putting it in the storage room which would be perfect except for that lack of power points in there. if i put it there it definately wouldnt be found because my mum hates it in there and she would never go in there but ya i will consider the thoughts . i think i might stick with the closet set up and my parents dont HATE weed they were both potheads at my age they would just rather me wait till im older so in that case if it was found they might just laugh


Active Member
like ivan pointed out your gonna need to open up to water ur plants, so my solution is to lead a tube from a funnel leading outside ur box so your not always opening it up. hope that helps :joint: gl