New to growing any tips appreciated

I was in the mix of getting a small grow area prepared. Just ordered my light. Nothing big or fancy. Really didnt research. $60$ jhotec 1000w full spectrum light. The day it came in the mail my buddy shows up with 2 glueberry plants. 13 days in cloning dome. A bottle that had a little bit of big bloom nutes. I got them on 6/2 . i planted one in a regular pot i had an the other in a Styrofoam cooler(poked a lot of holes in bottom for drainage). The plants seem to be doing good. There has been alot of growth in the past week. I am using canna coco coir. Today i ordered canna coco part A/ B an ph test kit. I initially wanyed to start growimg around beginging to middle of july as i can only slowly accumulate the products i need. This is my first attempt ever and would like any grower knowledge . thanks. Going to try to upload pics.

