New to growing need help


Well-Known Member
The picture was about 3 and a half weeks. still small but i will try to fix my mistakes and come up with a good plant. I thought i read somewhere that the more good light your plant gets it will more likely be a female? true or no?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean hydro? Ive never grown or done any of this dude. Whats up with those lowryder plants they seem quick and easy


Well-Known Member
The picture was about 3 and a half weeks. still small but i will try to fix my mistakes and come up with a good plant. I thought i read somewhere that the more good light your plant gets it will more likely be a female? true or no?
i think i read dat sumwhere too but not 2 sure


Well-Known Member
There's a ton of "theories" on how to get more females. Mostly theory tho. For now I'd just stick to keeping it nice, and strong.


Well-Known Member
See that's how you know you havn't read all that much bro. Before I even started growing I knew what the difference between hydro, soil, and even aeroponics was :) I read probably too much :)


Well-Known Member
Ya dude Stealth Hydro IMO is a rip off. Make your own, and save some money. Give me a few minutes. I'll thow some good links, and some vids for you to check out. I got your back bro :) It's always a good feeling when you help out fellow growers :)


Well-Known Member
Look like good setups i just have mine in a 2 by 2 foot box lined with foil with my light on top reflecting the light down onto the plant. Like i said im just trying to keep it simple its fun and all but I dont know about throwing a bunch of money into all this stuff. Results are good i know but hopefully i can make it workout by making my own little setup


Well-Known Member
Look like good setups i just have mine in a 2 by 2 foot box lined with foil with my light on top reflecting the light down onto the plant. Like i said im just trying to keep it simple its fun and all but I dont know about throwing a bunch of money into all this stuff. Results are good i know but hopefully i can make it workout by making my own little setup
i think its worth the 100 ucks cuz imma end up buyin bud wit it might as well start my own grow


Well-Known Member
Yeah true but i dont have a 100 right now for a bunch of stuff i have many things to pay for . Struggling college kid


Well-Known Member
Now there's about 11 parts to this first movie, but you can get all the links in the sidebar
Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow 2
This is just our FAQ
How to grow marijuana

Well that's only a couple of links, but spend as much time as you can reading through the threads on this forum, and you'll pick up a ton of know-how.
Also be very careful what you take in. A lot of the stuff on this site is OPINION. I can't stress that enough, don't take everything you here off this site as general knowledge, and fact.