New To Hydro, Hoping For The Best


Hi, newbie here.
Just rented closet spaces, 2, and first one was 7 plants of Gods gift. It was in veg forone week 600hps, hydro system, and the timer got bumped off for 3 days. Its been in bud cycle for 5 1/2 weeks(now), and its bushed with leaves soo much, im afraid it dosent get enough light. AKA bushedmedical2.jpg but not thick with bud, more veg. Pic is of 4 weeks in Bud cycle
So, i have taken the 7th (center)plant out as a sacrifice for more light to the plants. I have trimmed some leaves to make it more open(not knowing if this is rite)? But it just isnt growing up, or thickining, lots of veg. heard it might be root rot/root bound???
I have started another setup, same plants, just 6(like a 6 on dice) in the busser tupperware container, over my water holder/pump. Made sure there will not be a problem with timmer this time!

Hoping for the best! Any hepl would be appreciated!
Thanks for having a site like this for people starting out looking for help!!​
if you are hoping in hydro you need to go to soil until you have a full understanding of how hydro works with roots, nutes, o2, h2o2 etc..etc...hydro isnt something you need to be hoping to get it right, it will burn you in a few hours and make everything you have done for not.


Well-Known Member
Don't hope for the best, strive for it! Look through my grow threads and I'm sure you'll find answers. :)
Trim some under growth to help promote bigger bud growth else where


Bigbilly, Is there certan leaves to trim, compared to others? Is it ever too late in cycle to trim?
Again thanks for info!


Well-Known Member
Normally one would trim about the bottom 1/3rd of the plant. On this second grow of mine I'm going more of the bushy route to compare ounce to ounce. To my last grows, which I trimmed a ton. As far as time to trim I can't answer that for certain but do know that it wont hurt it much if you do a little by little over a few weeks. Less stress and less set backs.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I'm doing lollipopping this grow for the first time, and I hear people who do it say do it all three weeks into 12/12?