New to hydro


Cheese Head
Well I have a 1 last female right now in soil and she is going to be rdy to harvest in about 5-6 weeks. I am wanting to get into hydro but I am really nervous that I will spend alot of money of the bay and then not figure out how to grow it. I really want this one
Eco Grower |
What do you think?

Also do you have to go into soil until it root then put it in the hydro cups or what?


The russ0r
You start them in small Rockwool cubes, then in the cups.

MY advice to you, and i hope you head it.

Learn everything you can about hydro, how it works, why it works. all the specifics, and build you own system, many benefits you will obtain by doing that. you'll save money, you'll know exactly how your system works, and why, and you'll go into it knowing alot about you're upkeep and what you need to do with nutrients.