New to site. Sweet zombie

Someone posted a thread that cat piss/dog shit phenos were the latest trend... now it's very unicorn poop

Cat piss and Dog shit Skunk......Came from the 80's.

I might bet that Matt Riot (or his other 2 co-horts) re-found them on his almost decade long hunt for Road Kill.... 3 breeder friends were doing the hunting. Riot found it first. Or so it was told to me...
Old school hippie myth! You just got that from an old school hippie too.

It is impossible to remove anything from a plant by flush, leach or any type of over watering.
From the soil, yes.

When you starve a plant, your attempting to lower the nutrient levels in the BUDS, right?
As the plant begins to "starve". It will take nutrients from other locations IN that plant and MOVE them right to the buds (where your trying to lower that from). In a last ditch effort to reproduce.
This in turn actually begins to stress the plant and therefor make any kind of "herming" easier to happen!

Making stuff up. I've been flushing plants for decades. I've been measuring plant contents for 15 years. Since you internet growers live in a visual only world, you can go band a stalk and watch with your own eye the nutes build up into a growth mass either above or below depending on xylem or phloem.

Flushing a myth, skunk a myth. Sativa a myth. Fish gut weed a myth too, weed can't pick up things from the soil except magic pixie dust!
Making stuff up. I've been flushing plants for decades. I've been measuring plant contents for 15 years. Since you internet growers live in a visual only world, you can go band a stalk and watch with your own eye the nutes build up into a growth mass either above or below depending on xylem or phloem.

Flushing a myth, skunk a myth. Sativa a myth. Fish gut weed a myth too, weed can't pick up things from the soil except magic pixie dust!

Your growth is not what you think it is and likely not why you think it happened either.

Playing year cards?
I'll play over 45 year card.

Measured for years? Write fucking paper on it and change the world.

The actual science of the plant says flushing is a myth.

I suggest staring at a textbook over staring at a growth from restricting.

Making stuff up.

Hmm, looks like 3 fingers are pointing right back at you....

As far as the other things you list.. Who ever said anything about those things?
Platinum Banana OG
Has to be the most intense stinking strain I've ever run!
You must shower after being in the grow with these around. The smell gets in everything.
I still got beans from that strain. Might have to run that this winter...
who's the breeder? or was it a cut and you made beans?
most importantly, what the smoke was like? worthy of all the hassle with the stink?