New to this site and need help growing

Im new to this site and new to the growing field. i have atleast one plant growing right now and its going on its fifth set. i have atleast 4000 lumens on it. i dont know if thats enough and wondering how tall i should grow it to. i have it in a closet right now atm.


Active Member
you can grow it as tall/short as you like. obviously the bigger the plant the more buds you'll get! Also how big is your closet? 4000 lumens is about right for 1 sqaure foot imo.
cool, but its not that tall for some reason. its probably around 4 or 5 inches and its going on the fourth week. I dont know what kind it is because its bagseed. But i have a 6 ft tall 4 ft wide closet.


Active Member
if you got room I'd let er ride for a while. However, you're gonna need more light in a space that big I think, that's the same dimensions as my grow tent, and I run a 600W & 8-48" t5HO in there with about 110,000 lumens
thank you, also when can i tell the sex of it. i have it on a 24 hour lighting schedule for right now. But do i have to wait for the flowering stage (12-12) to be able to tell the sex? i just want to be able to make some bagseed into some alright stuff.


Active Member
pre-flowers will show if vegged long enough, otherwise it should happen a week or two into the 12 12 cycle....and I've grown some nice bagseed, so there aint nothing wrong with trying some out. and it's a lot cheaper than paying for beans to!
Does a male have greenish type hairs coming out of the nodes? Because if thats the case i have 2 other ones going but those are seedlings.


Active Member
I'd think that those geenish hairs coming out are just new growth. Females will show a white hair, and males will obviously show some nuts. throw a pic up if you want and I'm sure someone here will know
I dont have a camera atm, but thank you ive been worrying. I know it varies strain to strain but typically how long would it take for a plant to start showing its sex?


Active Member
I'm not sure really. If they've been growing for less than 6 weeks I'd say that they won't have shown sex yet. google female MJ pre-flower and you'll see if it looks the same