New top growth turning yellow!

What type of lights? Distance? 24” Also can you please post pictures without the blurple lights? Just did
With DWC it's always the nutes. Just mix another bucket. They look like they are over dosing on something.
so I recently moved it from soil to DWC last week. Is distilled water the best then add nutrients? Thanks for the help



Well-Known Member
PH 6.5 is too high for hydro IMO. Try ranging ph from 5.6 to 6.1 ish. Your plants may not be taking up the nutrients you're providing at 6.5


Well-Known Member
Ok you think, if I add some ph down that’s all I would need to get to that Ph?
Yes, but make sure the basics are covered first. If you're adding a balanced nutrient mix, including Cal-Mag, and then your PH reading is 6.5, try adding a little PH down to get into the mid to high 5's.
Man, I believe that the PH was my biggest problem! I changed out the water and got it down to 5.4. They look better today and think they were nute locked! Thanks again for the help!

