NEWB Seed Sprouting Help Needed..


Well-Known Member
I've successfully grown 2 males in my lifetime from bagseed and have finally started the undertaking of growing in a pc case under cfl with decent, smaller Indica genetics - Top44 and Citral.

Of course, I'm anxious as hell for my seeds to break soil, but it seems like it's taking a bit. I live in the northern part of N. America, though. It's seriously cold here - 8 degrees this am. My house is nice and warm and my growbox fluctuates between 75 and 85 degrees. What worries me is humidity. It's been steady at 20% for the week that it's been on (I had the rig running for a few days before putting seeds in).

What I did: Soaked two seeds in filtered water for ~36 hours. Both sank over time, but I saw no tap root. Since the water they were in was chilly, I figured they were probably too cold. I planted each seed in their respective containers yesterday - about 1/2" under my soil (Miracle Grow Organic), which was pre-soaked for about 12 hours, and covered both containers with glad press-n-seal. I see condensation on the press-n-seal, which leads me to believe that there is some moisture in there and the soil is definitely warm when I pull back the press-n-seal. Thermometer was about 82 last night when I looked.

So.. what else can I do? When can I expect to see something, if anything?

Any tips.. or just some patience?

Thanks, in advance..



Well-Known Member
I've successfully grown 2 males in my lifetime from bagseed and have finally started the undertaking of growing in a pc case under cfl with decent, smaller Indica genetics - Top44 and Citral.

Of course, I'm anxious as hell for my seeds to break soil, but it seems like it's taking a bit. I live in the northern part of N. America, though. It's seriously cold here - 8 degrees this am. My house is nice and warm and my growbox fluctuates between 75 and 85 degrees. What worries me is humidity. It's been steady at 20% for the week that it's been on (I had the rig running for a few days before putting seeds in).

What I did: Soaked two seeds in filtered water for ~36 hours. Both sank over time, but I saw no tap root. Since the water they were in was chilly, I figured they were probably too cold. I planted each seed in their respective containers yesterday - about 1/2" under my soil (Miracle Grow Organic), which was pre-soaked for about 12 hours, and covered both containers with glad press-n-seal. I see condensation on the press-n-seal, which leads me to believe that there is some moisture in there and the soil is definitely warm when I pull back the press-n-seal. Thermometer was about 82 last night when I looked.

So.. what else can I do? When can I expect to see something, if anything?

Any tips.. or just some patience?

Thanks, in advance..

If the seeds sank then that is not a good sign

you the wet towel method. works good

Read this post

it will help


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply, mon frer. My last male plant was started using the paper-towel method, but I read in a book recently that a soak until taproot shows (~24 hours) was sufficient, so I figured I'd try it. Same publication also said the MOST viable ones sink, while the garbage floats. I'd never heard of this method, so I figured I'd try it rather than risk root damage from the paper towel method. I guess I've gotta wait on these guys, though, as I've got limited space. Next question: how long to wait? I should probably also explain that I plan on taking a quick clone (topping at the same time) to test flower (in my server case) and run a perpetual clone / harvest grow, where the clone becomes the new mom every few weeks. Thus, my reluctance to just use more seeds..

Also.. will that humidity (20%) make it really difficult for my seedlings to survive?


Active Member
Just do the paper towel method only, it works, the end.

Your seedling could pop up just after one night, between 2 days to a week i would say is a decent amount of time to wait. after a week i would think something was wrong.

Get something thats clear plastic to make some sort of humidity dome over the seedlings, spray water onto the inside of the dome this will keep it pretty humid inside there.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I didn't need help after all. My soaked babies popped out of the soil this morning. On the flipside of that, I ran the paper towel method as well and I have another seed there that's showing tail. :) Almost time for my own journal. :)


Well-Known Member
just wait dude. sometimes they take a while. i usually do the paper towel method. supposedly you shouldnt do it cause it tears little fiberous hairs from the taproot but it seems like the plant grows fine.