Newbie first grow (rubbermaid)


will someone please tell me if i should move them to bigger pots now... or should i wait a little longer?
thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
DK everything looks like it's going well. I love the mylar in the cup idea...I will be using that on the next merry go round. From what I can tell you can put the plants closer to the light. You are safe at 2in from the light. I would transplant when the second leafs start coming in, but that's just me. I like to know that the roots have been developed just a bit to withstand the transfer stress. Good looks man!


DK everything looks like it's going well. I love the mylar in the cup idea...I will be using that on the next merry go round. From what I can tell you can put the plants closer to the light. You are safe at 2in from the light. I would transplant when the second leafs start coming in, but that's just me. I like to know that the roots have been developed just a bit to withstand the transfer stress. Good looks man!
Sweet thanks for responding and I shall keep them in the cups until the second set of leaves...and question if I transplant the little ones into smart pots with fresh soil will I have to hold off for another 3-6 weeks before nutes start coming into play?


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks for responding and I shall keep them in the cups until the second set of leaves...and question if I transplant the little ones into smart pots with fresh soil will I have to hold off for another 3-6 weeks before nutes start coming into play?
They say that two weeks is an ok time to start and to make sure you start at 1/4-1/2 strength at first. That depends on your soil though. If you are using FFOF, they say on it that it is fertilized for up to 30 days. Now, if you go to their chart for schedule feeding, if you use their line, they say you can start two weeks after it sprouted. So take it with a grain of salt and, when you do decide to start, just start with very light feedings, then build. Less is more haha.

I have only used bloom nutes, but the grow nutes work the same way, in that, you kinda follow a schedule of water,feed,water,feed..etc...and obviously allowing the soil to get kinda dry while it's young to promote root growth.

This is just some things I have read around on the forums. So many people say so many different things haha. Hope that helps some.


so i accidentally dropped one of my solo cups with the trans in it today scooped the soil back up and packed the soil again and hit it with the spray bottle a few time to moisten the soil so im hoping nothing got messed up


and i forgot to update purchases as well just picked up some smart pots (1 gal) and the fox farms trio nutes


Well-Known Member
Looking good dude. So nice and clean. Are those cfls? Its hard to judge distance in the picture, but I'd say to get those lights closer to the babies. Very cool set up though. I really really like the hanging light piece. If only I wasn't afraid of doing my own wiring and burning my apartment down haha.


Looking good dude. Thanks Dude!
Are those cfls? yes sir, still rocking the 5- 5000k and 1 2700k
I'd say to get those lights closer to the babies. yea after looking at the pics im gonna move the lights down a few links in the chain.
I really really like the hanging light piece. what i did is i went to my local department store and bought 4- 4ft sections of chain and 4 of the fancy keychains that look like rock climbing equipment and counted 30 links then hung them fromthose keychains worked perfectly! so i have a lot of play for adjustability

oh and just wanna say thanks for the help madrush21!


Well-Known Member
No problem dude. Don't be afraid to get those suckers within 2 inches on the plant. As long as they aren't burning its fine. Did you make the light fixture too?


Did you make the light fixture too?
yea lol u might laugh a little but the light fixtures that were in my rubbermaid (that were held on by shoestrings tied to the lid) i reused and put a little work into them this time... there were mounting holes at the bottom of the fixtures so i used the extra hardware from the computer fan (tiny nuts and bolts) and mounted the two fixtures together at the bottom then to be safe zip tied the tops of (two used on each side since the fixture is down to its naked metal and wires) them together then took another zip tie on each side and looped it under the zip ties holding the fixtures together and ran it through the loop of the chain which connected the fixtures to the chains...... sorry for the long explanation but ive been bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I really like it make. I am just so afraid of doing any wiring myself. I want to get some bathroom fixtures and wire them up, but with my luck I'd burn the house down. LOL. The explanation was just long enough ;) haha. Happy toking


Well-Known Member
It's looking great DK. Very green and very healthy. I am definitely going to mimic the foil in the's so simple and makes so much sense haha.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert and I'm sure one will chime in, but I think it's still too early to determine sex on both plants. You should be able to determine sex during the early stages of flower.