Newbie Grow room Plan help!!


Hello, guys~

Here is my first grow plan in my room.
My room is quite small, neighbors are living next door..

So I was thinking of a 400W setting with real good odor and ventilation..
I am thinking of 5 gallon x 2 pots in a tent.

Please have a look and give me any advise..T^T

Tent: Secret Jardin DR90 (36x36x72)
Lighting: Lumatek 400W ballast with a digilux MH bulb
Reflector: Xtrasun 6" Air Cooled Reflector
Fans/Vents: Phresh filter 6x16" with a 6" inline fan (400CFM) with speed controller.

I am not sure if 6"x16" filter is good enough to remove all odors..
Odor must be the main issue to my situation so.. Please help~ thanx~


Well-Known Member
How many plants are you growing? Equipment can't really determine what your yield would be as anything could happen (root rot, nute burn, over watering, lockout etc.) Yield is based on strain and how educated you are to help your plant grow to its full potential.


I know it's a dumb question..

I am getting indica seeds from a friend of mine..don't exactly know its name.
He said only 2 plants (5gallon pot) will be alright but i'm not so sure if this equip is enough for perfect odor removal.



I have a DR 120 tent and I like it ALOT.. it's perfect for what I need... I have 7 plants growing in there and its way crowded...I will definitely grow less next grow...but I have the "6 x"24 filter running with no speed control so its running at 465 cfm constantly and I have NOOOOO issues with smells ever...its a lil bit noisy if your in the same room but it works perfectly for the smell..the controller will help with the noise I'd just make sure you watch your temps...


Active Member
Honestly man. 2 plants isnt gonna stink everything up. You are fine with what you want to buy. May i suggest building your own grow tent. You could build a tent the size you want for 60-70 bucks. Just putting out my 2......


Well-Known Member
Tent: Secret Jardin DR90 (36x36x72)
Lighting: Lumatek 400W ballast with a digilux MH bulb
Reflector: Xtrasun 6" Air Cooled Reflector
Fans/Vents: Phresh filter 6x16" with a 6" inline fan (400CFM) with speed controller.
I am not sure if 6"x16" filter is good enough to remove all odors..
Odor must be the main issue to my situation so.. Please help~
That setup will work. Similar to my setup (see signature) I had (4) three gallon containers in my last grow and my room is smaller. (2) five gallon should be no prob.

The Phresh scrubber, speed controller, and inline fan will do the job on odors. I have zero smell from the closet.


Well-Known Member
carbon filters are seriously amazing. as long as its running and you have no leaks in the ducting you should have no issue with smell. You can literaly stand outside your tent and not smell a thing. Its when you harvest you might have issues as when you pulll them buds out there going to stink. for this you would want to get some ONA gel and stick it around your house its reasonably cheap and is very effective at smell removal, i mean it was originaly made for sewage treatment plants sooo... yeah it works!
Also you may want to look into a couple t5 lights to start your seeds under before you put them under your 400w or you may burn your plants up before they are established