newbie grower worried over plants.


Active Member
i got 8 plants just planted them april 2. They started out fine now all of a sudden some of the leaves on them are going up, then together like there trying to clap leaves.

Only 2 out of the eight are doing this.
Im using a mixture of sunlight, and unfourtanlty for the time being a regualur light bulb.

I make sure to water them and everything.

As for the light i will be replacing it very soon.


Active Member
i dont give them nutes, the only nutes in them are the ones from the planting soil.
Would it up if i watered the soil more to help flush some of the nutes.
i really dont want these to die on me.


Active Member
if the leafs are trying to go up its because of heat its to hot in there or u need put a fan in there so the temp goes down


Well-Known Member
if the leafs are trying to go up its because of heat its to hot in there or u need put a fan in there so the temp goes down
I'd agree with this.. Probably too fucking dry, and hot.. with no ventilation..

what are you temp/humidity stats.. what's your ventilation like.. what are you growing in?


Active Member
im growing in a big room.
i make sure to water them plenty making sure all the soil is moist all the way down the container.
i decided to just put them in front of a window that gets plenty of sun. at least till i can afford a better light.

since moving them to the sun they have all open back up. although most of them look as if there growing a little to fast.
there stems are white all the way up to the leaves. although one plant is really purple at the bottom and gets fainter towards the top.