Newbie.. Need Advise!!!


Active Member
This is my first time trying to grow. I had a couple of seeds and said why not. I have just germinated 10 seeds. 8 are in there own pots and 2 are in a bigger pot together. I currently have two 75 watt lights. I don't know if I am doing everything right at this point. I think I am. Here are some pictures of my setup. Please comment with any suggestions. Thanks.!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
A nice picture of the sun would give you more light. Incandescent bulbs don't work. Look above for the lighting FAQ.

the chronicals

Active Member
judging by the picture i'm assuming your gonna try to keep this op low cost so i agree with picasso, go to any hardware store and buy a couple CFL's for under 20 bucks. you can even stick them directly into those fixtures...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
ditch those worklight fixtures. At walmart in the tools section they have perfect reflctors for cfls. You would probably need 4 - that's 4 reflectors and 4 bulbs - if you want to cover that area. The reflectors are only $5.49 and if you hang them by the cord and pass the cord through the handle you can aim them any way you wan because the handle can rotate and hold its position. check pics. You probably want to get at least 4 of the highest wattage cfls you can find.