Newbie needs advice please


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of doing my first indoor grow, I have very limited $ but I do already have several things i have been collecting. I need advise on my best option for the highest yeild. I do not know what my be the best for me either 4 sog plants or 1 large one. Here is what I have to work with so far.
A 2.1 sqaure foot cabinet 4 foot tall
lined with white poster board.
13 cfl's totaling 370 watts and 24,800 lumens. 5250 lumens at 6500k - 19550 lumens at 2700k
4 disposable roasting pans (for reflectors)
4 2.5 gallon pots (they have to be squeezed a little but do fit.
1 6 gallon pot.
4 1 quart pots (I thought i'd start them out in these)
Plenty of killer bagseed (Idon't want to buy expensive seeds on my first try incase its a flop)
And about 50 dollars left in my budget (I know it isn't much but it's all i have) for soil and nuts.
So here is the part i need advise from you experienced growers on.
A. With my budget what is my best bet for soil and nuts.
B. Would i be better off with 1 big plant, 2 medium plants or 4 small ones (sog).
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
And lastly I am thinking about posting a grow journal on here, but am worried about the legalitys. ( is it risky?)


Active Member
starting with seed 4 small ones and for soil foxfarm ocean forest has enough food in it to get you through the first 2 or 3 weeks of veg but some people say its a little to stong and add in some light warrior and floranova is a easy 1 part veg and has a 1 part flower and they have a couple of supplants as well


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback - I tried a couple other sites before I found this one and this seems to be the best there is a TON of info on here and everyone is so helpful and polite. You guys are #1 in my book.


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of doing my first indoor grow, I have very limited $ but I do already have several things i have been collecting. I need advise on my best option for the highest yeild. I do not know what my be the best for me either 4 sog plants or 1 large one. Here is what I have to work with so far.
A 2.1 sqaure foot cabinet 4 foot tall
lined with white poster board.
13 cfl's totaling 370 watts and 24,800 lumens. 5250 lumens at 6500k - 19550 lumens at 2700k
4 disposable roasting pans (for reflectors)
4 2.5 gallon pots (they have to be squeezed a little but do fit.
1 6 gallon pot.
4 1 quart pots (I thought i'd start them out in these)
Plenty of killer bagseed (Idon't want to buy expensive seeds on my first try incase its a flop)
And about 50 dollars left in my budget (I know it isn't much but it's all i have) for soil and nuts.
So here is the part i need advise from you experienced growers on.
A. With my budget what is my best bet for soil and nuts.
B. Would i be better off with 1 big plant, 2 medium plants or 4 small ones (sog).
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
And lastly I am thinking about posting a grow journal on here, but am worried about the legalitys. ( is it risky?)

well my suggestion is to get them sprouted first sounds pretty good so far definately dont recommend the rotating pans for reflectivity

i bought mylar and a spray adhesive industrial strength and thats holding wonderfully for me but play it by ear depending on the growth rate and and any problems that might arise u might be better off with i large super healthy plants