Newbie with questions on soil


Active Member
Harrison, unfortunately, I have nothing to offer you for info on termites. You're best bet would be doing some google searches or maybe posting a thread in the 'Gardening' section of this forum. Good luck!


Active Member
While watering today, went to check a text on my phone and saw few little white 'mites' (?) crawling on my screen. I had turned the top soil a bit with my hands and sure enough I had quite a few of these lil guys on me. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. Are they mites? If yes, in TWM they state that mites are beneficial...I don't think thats necessarily the case for my purposes, but should I be concerned? Can they harm my ladies? They don't seem to be doing anything thus far (ladies look great) but I have no idea how long they've been around...


Well-Known Member
Get a pic and lets ID these guys. Many can be beneficial.

I think NickNasty recently had some mites also and determined they were beneficial. I think I have that right. He has posted pics.


Active Member
My phone camera is crap, but I'll try n borrow a digital and get some pics. I'll snap a few of the ladies too ;-).


Active Member
So yesterday I tried using my roomates digital came to id the bugs, but they're too small for a regular camera like his. I would need a macro lens to really be able to see them...the few pics in focus I got, they don't look like anything more than grains of sand. I figured if they were causing damage to the plant I'd see something by now, but they still look good so I;m not too worried about it. I'll try and get the pics I took of the plants up later today.


Active Member
Been a while since I updated but things are going well...I've been foliar feeding with aloe/coconut water/agsil and brewing teas with alfalfa, nettle powder, comfey leaves, agsil and top dressing with EWC...on 18/6 cycle for another week, then Im going go 12/12, leaving the veg lights setup for the first 2 weeks to minimize stretch, then move the 600w HPS in. A little worried about the heat and smell still but I'm hopefully going to make progress on that this weekend. Here are some pics:WP_000434.jpgthe current setup...wish I had a bit more light, but can't really afford anything more at the moment...
WP_000426.jpgthis one showed some burn in the first month and some other odd issues with the leaves, not exactly sure what it was but the new growth isn't showing any of it...and she is showing some pistils :)
WP_000428.jpgthis one is also showing pistils
WP_000430.jpgthis one the verdict is still out...I'm actually kind of worries it might be a herm because when I look closely I see what looks to be a pistil but it also is showing some saclike bulbs
WP_000431.jpgsame goes for this one...
WP_000432.jpgthis one is looking for sure like a male...shame because its a beautiful plant....and I thought I got a pic of #6 too but I guess not...6 is almost identical to this male here...beautiful but male :( gonna hold off on pulling any for now though just incase. If you're wondering strains, I wish I could tell you but its all bagseed I accrued last year. The first 2 were found in some dank nugs...the other 4 were all found in the same sack (another reason I fear hermies)...I won't be too upset if I only have 2 females...this is my first grow in a couple years and my first run at organic growing so its basically a test run...any comments/feedback are greatly appreciated!


Active Member
I purchased some Premium choice unscented cat litter the other day for my kitty...after opening it up, I realized it was probably just bentonite clay so I emailed the manufacturer and got a response that it is sodium bentonite with no additives. I'm thinking this would be an excellent soil additive. Anyone have any experience using kitty litter in their soil?


Well-Known Member
personally I would avoid anything with sodium in the name...

i believe calcium bentonite is what you want...not positive though.

do your research before tossing it in the soil


Active Member
Did a bit of searching and found that calcium bentonite is preferred.

"Sodium bentonite can have practical problems because it absorbs water and swells dramatically, so can cause problems with dispersal, clumping and sealing."

I'll be holding off on the kitty litter.


Active Member
I made a tea yesterday... 3 gallons RO water, added 6tbsp EWC, 3tsp agsil, 3tsp nettle powder, 3tsp blackstrap, handful of comfrey leaves and about a handful and a half of alfalfa pellets...and I added about 1/8tsp BioAg HumiSolve..checked it a moment ago and saw this:

Think the HumiSolve caused this explosion?


Active Member
Things have been going good over here. Just about 2 weeks into flower and transplanted all 4 into 10 gallon dirt pots. Added biochar, medium size pumice and large lava rock to my soil before transplanting. Top dressed/mulched with yarrow and comfrey leaf along with nettle and neem powder. Hit em with an ACT.


Hey, thanks for keeping my thread alive! I almost forgot about it.

Regarding root hormone, can you be a bit more specific? Do you mean like a cloning gel?
well my mom had given me some Powder root Hormone in a bag idk the brand, i mixed it in with the soil for 2/4 seeds i started and i will say they deffinantly grew quicker but they both showed hermie qualities thought all the flower . my other 2 i didnt mix the root hormone in the soil came out pure females.