Newbie's Growing Closet


Active Member
Hello all,

I'm new to growing and is planning on using this system. I would like to ask some questions and get some feed back.

I'm planning on building a growing closet from scratch. I'm an okay carpenter, so I'm building a 1.8mX1.8mX1.4m closet from plywood and sealing the joints with liquid seals. I got an 400w lamp and is planning on putting two small ventilation fans, one near the top going out and one near the bottom going in. This closet will sit in my garage. I plan on grow my two plants in pots.

The question is do I need a carbon filter for two plants? It's ventilating into the garage, not directly out side. If so, how hard is it to build one yourself?

will the lamp be too hot for the plants? are the fans enough to keep the closet cool?

Will the lamp dry out the closet? How do I prevent it?

Thanks for any feedback on my system.



Well-Known Member
hey man. i have a 400w light too. but its hella hot. so right now im using a 4 foot floursecent light on my lil plants. i suggest you dont start your plants with the 400 watter. start em off under some floro's. they put out almost no heat.