Next generation seeds- romulan max

Hey just wondering if anyone has grown this strain or any others from this seed bank? Really interested in getting some romulan seeds since school in Vancouver a few years back, but I figured before I jump on the first romulan seed I see , I would see if any of you guys have had good experiences with these guys


New Member
I have tried their romulan not the romulan max im not sure what the difference is. I picked up a five pack for 50$. one came cracked it sprouted but didn't make it. all seeds germed in 24 hours. I had one male three females. the three are growing real nice but they take a while to vedge. if you have any problems with next gen seed bank and email them expect a month before you hear from them.


Well-Known Member
Grew out the dynamite from them... Very good yields and taste like sugar "very sweet" pop 5 pack 3 males 2females
Ya apparently romulan max is just the same old romulan with bigger yields and same great stone, but thanx for the feedback, now when I'm done with my kosher and Martian kush, I will have to get some on order, thanks for the feedback


i have buy the normal ROMULAN for 10 seeds 50 euro. Five are dead for my error, the other 5 are perfect and are at the start of the second week of FLOV.
The Veg. stage was of three weeks.
The plants are ok, but there is one that have th branches asimmetrical, no in cople of two, but 1 is to est, the second to north, 3 to west etc...
The other 4 plants are simmetrical.
Now send some photo to 1 week of flov.
hello, for every help. write me.
Simon. Italy.
How do i can send an photo?