Next lot auto AK47 all the way under 2700K


Here they are this time i put 4 plants per pot as these don't take up much rootspace 001.jpg008.jpg 3 weeks
Photo0120.jpgthis was my previous lot Sweet big devil auto at 9 weeks and busy toking it now pure joy:bigjoint:


017.jpg023.jpg Here a little update on my ak47's not to good as i've used the same soil from my previous crop wich was super but now i've got a bit of nut problem and shit hard to get it wright. SO let this be a TIP don't use the same soil again !!!


what kind of nutes are you using, and when did you apply them? also when you germinated your seeds did you use a peete pellet (what germination method)

They look nice , gogogogo!


Active Member
Why not put them in individual pots? they will get bigger and yeild more....people recomend 1gal pots for every auto if not bigger


Well i used allmix soil from canna pretty good stuff grew sweet devil in it all went well soon as i harvested i removed the root and planted these ones i sprouted them on tissue as usual towards the end of the first crop i used somtomato feed and boost wich i have done for years but never reused the soil straight away funny enough one pot looks great the other seems to have some problems


the pots are good these dont take much root space they are autoflowering only get about 50cm 2ft