Nirvana - Auto Northern Lights


Anyone ever grown this strain? I heard it needs to be flipped to 12/12 to go into flower, or is it fixed?
And if you've grown it how much time it took you from seed to harvest?


Well-Known Member
I've heard a lot of people have trouble with Nirvana's autos in the fact that they aren't true autos and sometimes will need to be switched to 12/12. True autos shouldn't have that problem and should flower regardless of light hours. If you haven't purchased the seeds yet, I would look at World of Seeds' autos. They have a Northern Lights x Big Bud auto for around the same price last time I checked. Nirvana gives you 2 more seeds, but attitude still has its freebies and promos.


Already have 'em germing. Will good 12/12 be if I set it outside at 10am and put back in room at 10pm, do I need special cabinet or something for the rest 12hrs of "dark" which is suppoused to be my room.
And is 57N latt with engough sunlight for growing outdoors?


Well-Known Member
I would set em for 20/4 and wait for the first 5 weeks. If they aren't budding by then then change. They could still be autos, you shouldn't assume they aren't. If they are autos then 12/12 will just drastically reduce your yield and still keep the same time table for flowering. No idea about outdoors.


Active Member
Well I'm actually growing the exact same strain from Nirvana, I'm on day 8 since seed pop, and it's looking good.:leaf: I got this seed because one of my boy's suggested it, after growing it himself. He grew on a 24hr cycle non-stop through flower, and he got a decent yield and quality smoke.

But seeing as how I'm in the same boat as you growing it for the first time, we will have to find out together.

IMAG0041.jpgIMAG0043.jpg (this is on day 3, I will keep an update)

:leaf:HAPPY GROWING!!:leaf:

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i've planted 3 and all starting flowering at about 22 days and turned out great. the high is awesome. if they don't auto, u may have to go 12/12 for 2-3 weeks and then resume with longer light periods as before. GL


Active Member
I grew some northern lights (not auto) awesome smoke I wish I had some now. I have some nirvana short riders (auto) they are budding now