Nirvana Closet Grow - White Widow & Blue Mystic (feminized) & Northern Lights auto

150w or 250w HPS?

  • 150w (You don't need the 250w)

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Yeah start your beans in the box veg for a few 2 weeks transplant into larger pot then into the closet on 12/12 or you could use the HPS to veg for a few weeks then switch over to 12/12. If i was you i would put my plants in flower right after the transplant and just run more then 4 like probably 8-12 so i could harvest every two weeks or so just start sets of two 2 weeks apart and when you harvest 2 you put two more in flower makes sense? just use your veg box to start em and have em waiting so in two weeks when you harvest again you have more to put into flower and so on. Maybe doa first run with a fewer amount of plants and have different veg times on all of them see what you like and what works out the best in you grow space. Check out SCROG you will want to try it if you only want a few plants growing so you can double or even triple your yield off 4 plants.
I like the perpetual grow idea, this closet is more or less a test run for a bigger area which I plan on having a perpetual grow with clones; adding a new strain every few grows. I can't afford to buy a bunch of seeds, so cloning is where it's at. Luckily it seems to be the only thing I'm good at! haha.

I'll have to see what I have before I decide flowering times, I'll look into SCROG too, thanks for the recommendation. I know a little of it, but didn't think it would be that practical to learn how to use! Once again, I'm wrong, guess that makes me good at two things...Anyways, yeah. My plan is more or less to see what's going on with the grow times and the sizes\yields and just in it goes.
I appreciate you taking the time to help me with my little project:bigjoint:
The White Widow and one of the Northern Lights were just put under light, nothing too interesting to look at but, yeah. There they are :-P

And here's two pictures of the closet so you can kinda get an idea of what I was talking about. On the top I'll be getting a different fan and making that light tight. Same with the bottom. Looks really sloppy right now, I was pretty tired.
I think I might use card board (even if just on the inside) instead of the reflectors; bumps the temperatures up to about 110 :lol:



Well-Known Member
Yeah you need more air flow buddy and its hella hard to see whats going on try to get some pics standing back. But more CFM for the exhaust take the reflective shit out for now and you need a good strong floor fan facing upwards to blow on the bulb later when the plants are taller you can put a cheap shelf in easy to patch nail holes in the wall just make sure you find a stud so it dont rip out a chunk of your wall if it falls. But you need more airflow when your up let me know and we'll bullshit more via pm and i will try to find cheap fans for you but i need to know the space your working with like a standing back pic of whole closet both sides if that makes sense. We'll get them temps down and you will BANG shit out bro:-)
Yeahh sorry all of those pics are from my cellphone lol. But I have good news! Well..I guess it's good news :neutral:..Yeah, why not?

So I was saying that this was a test run for a bigger area-well the reason I didn't just start in the bigger area was because..well last thread..stupid stoner mistakes :-(. But I spoke with the fellow today; showed him the light and such and now I have access to the room 24\7, where as before..he had to be there..which..doesn't work :roll:. There is no trust issues or any other risk factors with this room, as the place is not rented, it is definitely the optimal choice.

So now I have an entire room to work with, with no risk of inspection. We plan on enclosing a part of the room off to make a mini room within the room. What size approximately do you think would be suitable for 4-5 plants? I'm not entirely sure how we are going about this yet, we're going over the details tomorrow. I'm thinking we might just get some 2x4's and ply wood. We'll have to see :p

As for the closet- I'm going to keep the HPS in there with that bagseed for a couple more weeks..started flowering it September first, not sure what to do with the little bugger...I mean, after all, the bud I'm smoking right now has thicker stems than it's stalk.

And the growbox- Still going to start them in there for about 2 weeks or so and then I am going to grow the Northern Light Auto Flower in there. I was thinking I could just buy a $50 HID light at walmart for it, I believe it was 8,000 lumens..should be enough for an autoflowering plant

Sorry for all the confusion! Just trying to get things settled before they're big enough for this to matter. I guess I do believe this is a good thing, although they will not be by my side all day and night, an inspection could have potentially screwed everything over (I am pretty clumsy when I'm in a hurry..and trust me, that kinda shit puts me in a hurry :p ). And now, heating will not be a problem at all...quite frankly...I'll probably be trying to keep the heat in!

Tomorrow I'm going to find out the exact dimensions of the room are and take some pictures..but I'm pretty much free to do what I want with it. Any ideas for an approximate size? Thanks a lot man- Sorry for the wall of text :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man im jealous all i got is a box and a closet bahahaha. Ever thought about grow tents i mean the plyboard and 2x4 might be cheaper but then again with how expensive shit it anymore idk last time i bought wood i almost shat myself. Figure out how big the room is and we will go from there. Also i need to know how big you want said plants to be and what kind of yields you want to produce. Also what kind of plants do you want to grow short bushy or tall trees with the short and bushy you get a more overall dank crop meaning more of the plant gets light so less bottom nugs more top colas trees you just take up more space and sometimes yield less. What kind of turn over do you want like how long do you want to veg for you could setup two boxes in the room. One to veg a mother or two in and a spot for clones then a flower box veg the clones for a week or two and throw them in the flower box as soon as two are done start another two but under that 400w you could run 4-6 clones 12/12 maybe even more but you have to build box to suit what style you want to grow.

Are you planning on getting a bigger light for the space or running the 400w either way you would be fine but the more light the better also the more heat. If your going to run more then that 400w you will need a cooltube or AC if you make an inclosed box but then you would have and excuse to buy a carbon scruber and fan setup that and a portable ac unit but i think you should start small and just use the 400 watt. take your idea about the Plyboard and paint one side white make a wall so you can make the space smaller so just wall off a corner of the room like 3x3 or 4x4 and throw your 400w and plants in there could veg at your place in your box then when they are a few weeks to a month old take them over to flower or even take your grow box there so nothing is at your place and you dont have to move plants all the time:-) I use emergency blankets and a staple gun but paint all surfaces before putting up the blankets makes it easy to clean when painted also the blankets are cheap so its not like fuck i just wasted a bunch of money when you break everything down to clean "i do it monthly". Got a 12 pak off amazon for 12 bucks free shipping.
Been a little bit since I posted an update-but there hasnt been too much interesting to report. Still have to clean out that room and build the room.

In the meantime I purchased a 100w MH light and installed it in the growbox. So far I have

White Widow & Northern Lights are on day 13, the other two blue mystics are on day 9. The widow looks a little sickly..perhaps poorly mixed soil? I took it out and remixed it yesterday and it appears more green today. You can't really see it in the picture but there is brown spotting on the two 'single' leaves


Well-Known Member
I see water on them do you have then moist with lights on? Might be burn from doing so if you do just an idea and how much did that light run you buddy?
I see water on them do you have then moist with lights on? Might be burn from doing so if you do just an idea and how much did that light run you buddy?
Sometimes I spray them when it gets to its peek temp (93); I'm going to move the 100cfm fan (i dont think you can really see it in the pic) to where the exhaust is and make the exhaust an intake, should help. I didn't know that this could cause a burn!

It was about 60bucks at walmart. I'm an idiot though! Ended up costing me about 90 because I bought replacement parts..couldnt get it working...didn't know it had a light sensor on the top, it would light up and turn right back off, covered it with tape and it's good to go! I ordered a couple short riders and I plan on buying another one of those lights and installing it on the opposite side and trying my luck with a few of those while these suckers are veggin out under that 400w


Well-Known Member
SUBBED!... got two of your strains waiting to germ (NL & B-MYSTIC auto fem) so will be a few weeks behind you.... i'm gonna love watching yours as yard stick to measure mine with :-)

i wish you the very best of luck bruv
SUBBED!... got two of your strains waiting to germ (NL & B-MYSTIC auto fem) so will be a few weeks behind you.... i'm gonna love watching yours as yard stick to measure mine with :-)

i wish you the very best of luck bruv
Where did you get the Blue Mystic autos?? I can not find them on NirvanaShop! I just ordered another batch of autos for the little growbox, probably gonna try to fit 3shortriders and 2 or 2 NL in there :p so I'll have one a little bit behind yours as well

goodluck to you aswell


Well-Known Member
Where did you get the Blue Mystic autos?? I can not find them on NirvanaShop! I just ordered another batch of autos for the little growbox, probably gonna try to fit 3shortriders and 2 or 2 NL in there :p so I'll have one a little bit behind yours as well

goodluck to you aswell
cheers fella...... well it all came about because i'd heard bad things about the NL autos....that was after my 10 arrived...(but there is no longer a problem with NL)...but i just walked into my local head shop and asked what auto's they had... blue mystic and pineapple express we're there so i got a 5 pack of each....oh and then a few days later 5 green o'matic :-)..... so i have 25 auto seeds waiting to crack.... just starting 3x Green o'matic tonight as a dummy run!
Man, I wish I even had a headshop around here; let alone a seedshop! My order was 5NL and 5Shortriders; Idk if I'm starting them all at the same time but I probably will try! Also, do you know if it is the pineapple express that is listed on attitude? (not sure the breeder) I was thinking that might be the next auto i grow so I'll be following that


Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I even had a headshop around here; let alone a seedshop! My order was 5NL and 5Shortriders; Idk if I'm starting them all at the same time but I probably will try!
well we got a couple of head shops locally... they work out a little more expensive then online but i like to get them there and then rather then wait for mail order.... kinda like it too much, Bean count in auto - pineapple express, nothern lights, blue mystic, green o'matic...and in photoperiod - skunk#1

when i have my 600w hps running i'll do 6 at a time (unfortunatly a few weeks off yet :-( )..... i have just started 3 Green o'matics germing within the last hour to keep me going untill we move...
Haha yeah I can imagine I would have a similiar problem;

Few random thoughts\questions..
-About that widow...keeping your plant moist during the light cycle can burn it? I thought it would do the opposite, I was thinking that it could cause mold or fungus if it didn't evaporate (doing it during the dark cycles) so it better to not spray your plants? I no longer NEED to as I have the temps down to 75-88 (max\min for the cycle)

-Should I cover the soil? I can use the reflective stuff that I have to easily cover all of the soil; but do you need to do that? And does it help at all really? (besides with water evaporation)

-Also..I dont exactly remember the dimensions off the top of my head(AKA I have no fuckin clue) by approximitely how many autos do you think I could put in there with 200watts of HID? (I also plan on experimenting with crossing color temps (ie; put in a CFL or two) SlimJim mentioned this to me and I am very interested in it) Height is not a restriction, but it's maybe..20 inches depth and 2 and a half feet width? (completely guessing). I plan on trying 5-6! I dont really care too much if it's too many :p

Post a link on here when you get your journal up Troutie

Happy toking:joint:


Well-Known Member
I won't be going into town untill late december now just so i dont buy anymore seeds... i want great white shark next lol .... but i got 30 plants to do before then hehehe

ok my grow journal is up and running... not much to see just yet but its about to get rocking (fingers crossed)... checked my three germing seeds, no cracks yet (12hrs) but its nice and warm and moist still in the germ'ing pot

i would aim for 4 in your space.... i started 3 ...wanted 2 ... but if 3 sprout i'll soilder on lol... its not just the space i've been told, they soak up the lumens like a sponge so if there isn't enough light to share around it will stunt growth and overall yeld... so 2 would suit me ...3 at a push
I won't be going into town untill late december now just so i dont buy anymore seeds... i want great white shark next lol .... but i got 30 plants to do before then hehehe

ok my grow journal is up and running... not much to see just yet but its about to get rocking (fingers crossed)... checked my three germing seeds, no cracks yet (12hrs) but its nice and warm and moist still in the germ'ing pot

i would aim for 4 in your space.... i started 3 ...wanted 2 ... but if 3 sprout i'll soilder on lol... its not just the space i've been told, they soak up the lumens like a sponge so if there isn't enough light to share around it will stunt growth and overall yeld... so 2 would suit me ...3 at a push
Hmm, yeah. I think I'll go with 2SR and 2 NL, and also keep the current NL I have in should finish 20-30 days before the others by theory :lol: should work, if not. Oh well, I tried:bigjoint:.

Anyone have any thoughts on my random questionlist?


Well-Known Member
some say mist your plants with water as/or just before lights come on if humidity is low??? (add wet towels or bowls of water should be better) others seem to be spraying some plant and leaf conditioner around like theres no tomorrow..... thought if these plants had the right conditions they wouldn't need more cosmetics then my otherhalf, lets face it its not like they get any help in the great outdoors and they've done alright so far....

covering the soil?.... wondered the same myself as i have seen others doing it... (all have been deep water setups) , but figured that i need to see if the soil is drying out on a daily basis so uncovering the pots would be just another job to do (and risk dropping or knocking them to death) and i kinda thought if i had over watered em ... trapping the water inside the pot might increase root problems that might not have been.... on the other hand it might have +'s aswell, i just decided not too

and yeah i recon about 4 autos in your space ... but dude i dont know much about this stuff ... its worth asking around

how's things going anyway Casey? whens the next update?
Yeah I don't know but I've given up misting them just to be safe. And I was also thinking covering the soil could prevent the growth of harmful fungus\bacteria..or it could stunt the growth of helpful bacteria? I know that's why you have to do it for hydroponics.

Things are doin great (well, in my opinion) the widow is completely recovered (again, in my opinion) and the two older ones are starting to grow little leaves on the nodes :p. Here are some pictures from tonight! The WhiteWidow and NorthernLights are on day 18 and the BlueMystics are on day 14. Also; new to the group, here are some 2 day old white widow sprouts (they're going into the big grow room because I have decided the NL is staying here) Sorry for the lowquality shots, when it actually matters I'll be using the camera that was used to take my avatar.

Also; as recommended by SlimJim I'm going to order the foxfarm trio to feed them:)



Well-Known Member
there looking good bruv .... i'm looking forward to seeing them explode, have you seen any signs of white hairs yet?... your two weeks plus now so i'd be interested to see when they show sex

yeah widow seems to be back to full strength, and ohhhhhhhh DESIGNER NUTES too ... lucky little plants :-) (i'll soilder on with dutch pro :-( )