Nirvana ICE feminized



This is my 1st indoor grow. I have chosen to grow Nirvana's feminized ICE seeds. I am using Fox Farm nutes along with their feeding schedule starting at 1/2 strength. I have my plants on an every other day watering schedule which they seem to have taken very well(i'm afraid to over-water). Lighting consists of 400w HPS with 1 mil mylar assisting.

These two photos are on day 4 from planting.

This photo is at day 8 from planting, two days after transplanting.

These three photos are of each of my three plants on day 13 from planting.

These two photos are on day 17 from planting.

These two photos are in day 19 of vegetation.

I will post more as they progress. Let me know what you guys/gals think so far. I am happy with the results thus far.

Peace :leaf:


Active Member
i heard foxfarm nutes lock themselfs out...make sure to do a good flush a few times durring the grow.!


This is my 1st indoor grow. I have chosen to grow Nirvana's feminized ICE seeds. I am using Fox Farm nutes along with their feeding schedule starting at 1/2 strength. I have my plants on an every other day watering schedule which they seem to have taken very well(i'm afraid to over-water). Lighting consists of 400w HPS with 1 mil mylar assisting.

These two photos are 4 days from planting seedlings.

This photo is 8 days after planting, two days after transplanting.

These three photos are each of my three plants 13 days from planting.

These two photos are 17 days from planting.

These two photos are in day 19 of vegetation.

Updates will come as the plants progress. Let me know what you guys/gals thinks so far. I am happy with how things are going thus far.




I re-did my post guys... sorry for the failed 1st attempt. The attached thumbnails are shots of a bag seed i planted outdoor back in June. Should be ready in a couple weeks!


Many people state that watering them until you see run-off at the bottom of the pot is what is necessary.. I personally feel i would have to drench them for that much water to travel throughout all of the soil. I want what's best for the plants but would it be better to water in smaller dosages every other day or completely drench a couple times a week?? I don't want to drown these things, they are growing vigorously.

Thanks yall.


I've noticed that many of the leaves are cupping upwards into a V- like shape. Anyone familiar with this? Plants seem completely healthy otherwise. Any input would be awesome.



Well-Known Member
Many people state that watering them until you see run-off at the bottom of the pot is what is necessary.. I personally feel i would have to drench them for that much water to travel throughout all of the soil. I want what's best for the plants but would it be better to water in smaller dosages every other day or completely drench a couple times a week?? I don't want to drown these things, they are growing vigorously.

Thanks yall.
"Drenching them" is what you want to do, rather than small waterings, more often. It's a common misconception, to believe that a plant can be overwatered in one session. That's not the case. The proper way to water, is to soak them thoroughly, then let them dry out for a few days, til the soil is NEARLY dry, not til the point of drooping, but close. Then, soak again, and repeat throught the plant's entire life cycle. It is a good practice to get used to picking up the cups/pots before and after you water, to get the hang of knowing when they're nearly dry. It takes a few weeks to get the hang if, but works great. Highly recommended.

Also, your leaves look perfect. That's the way they are supposed to look, actually. They look great. I think you'll love the strain. I am growing it, myself, and am into day 8 or 9 of flowering, as we speak. I'm excited, and getting impatient already, to see the :weed:


I really appreciate your insight on the watering techniques! Thanks a bunch! What would you say a healthy soaking would consist of?? about 1/2 gal to 1 gal of water per 3 gallon pot? Btw, do you have any pictures of your ICE plants!? If so, I would love to peak at those babies. Thanks amigo.



Well-Known Member
^No problem man, you're very welcome. 1/2 gallon is about perfect, if they are nearly dry. I use 3-4 gallon pots myself, and give them 2 liters per watering/feeding. We're pretty much running the same setup. :cool:

If you want to check out the progress of my current grow, click on the link below. They have just started the 2nd week of 12/12. Thanks for looking. :grin:


Your grow looks awesome man! I really hope mine turns out to be as pretty as yours. I just "drenched" my three plants for the very 1st time with about 1 liter per plant. There was visible run-off from the bottoms of the pots. How long did it take for your plants to reach 12-15" ? Im at day 22 and they are approx 7-8" tall already! I can' wait to see how the budding of your plants turn out! They will be forming rapidly over the next couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
^Thanks man, I appreciate the comments. :grin: Mine took a little longer that I'm proud to admit, almost 7 weeks to get to that size. I had them in party cups for waaaaay too long,(oputting of the transplant) which stalled them, and I lost about two weeks. Being that you have a better light that I'm using, you should be there in 4-5 weeks. Do you have any current pics? I'd like to see how they look. :weed:

One other thing... You did the right thing, by watering them thoroughly, but, I can tell that you did it a little too early. They should've went one more day, probably two, before needing watered. You didn't make a mistake, or anything. I'm just trying to help you fine-tune you watering schedule. I know this, because I also have a few of my own, in 3 gallon pots, and know that 1 liter of water isn't enough to get any run off. There was still a liter of water in the soil, before you watered them. You should be getting runoff when you add 1 1/2 - 2 liters of water. Do you have any extra 3 gallon pots? Fill one with dry soil(a little moist, is fine), then pick it up a few times. Then go light one of your plants that you just watered heavily. There will be a big difference in weight, and that's an indication of the water content. If you start picking up your pots, you'll get the hang of knowing when they need watered, rather than guessing. It sounds like it's hard to get the hang of, but trust me, it isn't. It'll take a couple weeks to get used to, but works really well, once you do. Give it a try, I think you'll like it. :)

One more thing....when you water heavily, don't pour it in super fast, or you'll risk having the water spill through the sides of the pot, rather than soaking all the soil. I give mine 1/2 liter at a time, move to the next plant, then come back to the first, after I've hit all the others. Then, repeat until they are fully watered. :)


Great advice amigo! I agree that I probably should've gone another couple of days before watering since i saw run-off after only 1 liter. Im sort of questioning it though because of the very minimal watering i was doing prior to the 1st soaking. I picked up the pots before drenching and each pot felt "light" as if there wasn't much water still in the soil(I'm not certain about that). I think I am going to try the technique you recommended with getting an empty pot with soil and get a feel for the water-weight.

I just now took a few more pics for you to check out. The plants are at day 21 and not 22 as I stated in the last post. Tell me what you think!

Also, I took a close up shot of my plant showing the strongest signs of the v-shaped leaves. I am thinking that maybe since i was watering every other day and giving nutes every other watering that the plants may have been getting a little too many nutrients..?

Day 21 of vegetation.

Thanks a lot man for you input and advice!! Kind of neat we have some of the same plants! :leaf: Peace


Well-Known Member
^Okay, now I see why it only took a liter, to get runoff. Yoo lost alot of the pots volume, because you didn't fill them all the way to the top. That's a 1/2 gallon lost, maybe a tad more. Not a big problem, just something to remember, next time around. If it's not too much hassle, pop the plants out of their pots, and add more soil, raising them to within an inch of the top. You'd be surprised at how much that'll help. :)

The color looks nice and healthy though, and I don't see any burnt leaf tips, which is good. Mine do that after a heavy watering, and usually perk up within a day or so. It could also be a sing that they are a tad hungry, so keep that in mind. So, that means you don't have to worry about overfert(the case you were asking about). All in all, it looks like they are doing quite well. Good work bro. :cool:


Thank you sir! I used one big bag of ocean forest and there wasn't quite enough to fill the pots. I thought about getting another bag but I think that I was too eager to get them rolling lol..oh well. Are your plants noticeably growing by the hour!? I love these plants they seem to be on crack! Do you have really thick main stems? Mine are about the diameter of a cigarette butt! I'm not sure if I have the balls to remove them and add soil to the bottoms lol.. but I know the plants would appreciate that.