Nirvana Ice Vs. Royal Queen's Ice


Active Member
Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone has any input or feedback regarding these two strains. They both have the same backgrounds as far as genetic lineage. Here's the strain description for Royal Queen's Ice and here's for Nirvana Ice. Notice they both have the following lineage; Afghan, Northern Lights, Skunk and Shiva. The difference that I can see in several reports about these strains is that Royal Queen's Ice takes some what longer to mature than Nirvana's take on Ice and my question is why is that if they both have the same genetics? If strains have the same genetics would the breeder influence the strain that much to make it take longer to mature or is it simply a different phenotype?

If anyone has any information, specially of the Royal Queen's Ice (bit hard to find) I'll be very much appreciative. Thanks for your time everyone.


I know for a fact that the royal queen ice is killer,i have run this in the past,IMOyou will not be has a tandecy to strech,but puts out real nice large buds,has a strong jet fule smell.very strong high,and makes some killer hash.

peace JEEP1


Active Member
Thanks for the reply Jeep1. Definitely going to try her next. I've read conflicting flowering time reports, how long did yours take?


I let mine go for almoste 11 weeks to get her where i wanted her to be, but if your like me ,not in it for the money then a few extra weeks is nothing to wait when your talking about killer weed.when i say strech i mean it she will get tall fast so keep that in minde or maybe try to super crop her or scrog.



Well-Known Member
i have a royal queen ice about 4-5 weeks in flower
the main branches have all been pinched its in a a 3 gallon dwc bucket in flora nova bloom on the lucas formula
i have been using the fnb wit it at 10ml/gal and the plant has a cal/mag def which was corrected wit 7.5ml of Magical
other than tht i like the plant alot it grow nice tight sites i may have a more indica pheno mine has very fat leave and didnt stretch
very much maybe doubled in size when switched the smell and density r the reasons im considering keeping it around my pheno smells like cherry candy
has very dense buds already and o it does get very icy
happy growing


Well-Known Member
i grow Nirvanas ICE and can tell you its top notch stuff. there seems to be no ceiling when you vape it.
easy to grow and yields huge in dwc. first plant i grew i got about 12 oz dry. just one plant. now i have 8. friend of mine that works in a dispensary in cali came out here for thanksgiving to visit and said my ICE is both the strongest weed and best all around shes seen. so i say Nirvanas ICE. ;)


Active Member
Thanks for the reply's everyone. Regardless of the breeder it seems like good genetics to try. If at 4-5 weeks she has dense nugs already I can't imagine at 8-9. My buddy grew Northern Lights last year and oh boy that was some bomb herb. Shiva was the only one I've never heard of before I cam across ICE. Sounds like a good fit for a SCROG. bigbillyrocka you had to have scrogged and topped or something to get those 12 oz's, I know it's possible though, seen it done before, props for getting it done bro. Any journals of that grow around?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I recieved the royal queen ice seed as a freebie a few months back. I can definitely say it's a winner strain, i haven't tried nirvanas (I did grow there ak-48 though I wasn't to happy with it) but i was very surprised with it. It ended up being my biggest plant and highest yielder. It was very easy to grow and had absolutely no problems with it.