Nirvanas Blackjack & Papaya Dwc Grow Rep++to All


Well-Known Member
036.jpg032.jpg029.jpg035.jpg037.jpg034.jpg033.jpg027.jpgWell guys every thing is going great and just as planned. O yeah and i would like to send a special thanks to xebeche for tellin me to switch to flower because they are really reaching for the sky right about now i hope i will have enough room to let them fill out or else i dont know what i am going to do lol. well any ways i took a bunch of pics to share with you all. OoOOOOOO yeah and my tomatoes are already blooming!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, Penyajo.

Boy, I didn't realize how tight it is in your cab until seeing the latest pics. Good thing your ladies are nice and bushy. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
064.jpg046.jpg051.jpg065.jpg054.jpg052.jpg056.jpg048.jpg044.jpg045.jpg043.jpgWell since i already put my garden up on here i figured i would just throw the journal on here too if any one wants to follow.. And if your a kid that just doesnt care about any thing else but weed i would recommend you should take a look too. I am a 21 year old that has a very stressful life and job!! Ever since i started this garden i have got to spend alot of my free time maintaining the cage and not thinking about my troubles. All im trying to say is if you dont care about gardens mayb you should just give it a try and see how you like it. It really is alot of fun!!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, Penyajo.

Boy, I didn't realize how tight it is in your cab until seeing the latest pics. Good thing your ladies are nice and bushy. :blsmoke:
Yeah good looking out on telling me to do the switch i dont know what i was thinking!!! thanks for the compliment and always staying posted bro!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just another update here this is going to be the 6th day of flower for the 2 black jack in the main cab. They are doing great and really stretching for that 150w hps. I actually switched the plants from left to right to neglect the bigger one from light for right now cause it is growing soo fast right now. Once they start budding up i will hit um with a bit more light (cause i know the more light the better the bud). Also am going to be ordering a s-shaped fermentation bubbler from ebay so i can hook up a little DIY c02 set up. And i cant forget about the papaya I have in the computer pc. She is doing great and is undergoing alot of lst. I had cut 3 of the tops cause they were growing a bit to fast for my liking but i ddint cut them enough and they just grew back as one top which is fine cause i was just trying to stunt there growth for just a little bit reason being i am trying to keep the buds as even as i possibly can. As for this plant i am going to be switching it into flower here in the next week or possibly sooner. Well any ways here are the pics and you guys let me know what you guys think.



Well-Known Member
hell yeah penyajo!
Gardening is the shit! I love growing plants. I got carrots, radishes, banana peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, habenaro, cayenne, onion, lettuce, cabbage all growin in the backyard right now!
still going to add more like corn, more peppers and stuff.
Growing different types of plants with different needs expands the knowledge of how plants really grow and helps you understand the MJ plant overall.
It's cool knowing you can grow your own food and own crop for money, grow trees for houses.
People really forget these days how to live off the land. Technology has really trapped people.
But shit, I know I would hate to live without my damn phone!


Well-Known Member
hahaha i am soo fucked without my phone i dont know what to do with my self lol... Well any ways i cant agree with you more ppl have been trapped w/i technology and they really dont even realize it. It is really kind of sad.. but good looking out as soon as i see some of those white hairs i will posting up some more pics as soon as i can
hell yeah penyajo!
Gardening is the shit! I love growing plants. I got carrots, radishes, banana peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, habenaro, cayenne, onion, lettuce, cabbage all growin in the backyard right now!
still going to add more like corn, more peppers and stuff.
Growing different types of plants with different needs expands the knowledge of how plants really grow and helps you understand the MJ plant overall.
It's cool knowing you can grow your own food and own crop for money, grow trees for houses.
People really forget these days how to live off the land. Technology has really trapped people.
But shit, I know I would hate to live without my damn phone!


Well-Known Member
as soon as i see some of those white hairs i will posting up some more pics as soon as i can
They're coming, for sure.

I like that you routinely post some pics of your plants in natural light. It's hard for me to tell how healthy plants are under the yellow flowering lights. Yours look really nice.


Well-Known Member
They're coming, for sure.

I like that you routinely post some pics of your plants in natural light. It's hard for me to tell how healthy plants are under the yellow flowering lights. Yours look really nice.
Thanks for checking in bro!! Yeah i know what you mean there the next time i post some pictures i will try to take some pics with the lights on and the lights off. I would do this every time but my lights come on at 2 in the morn and go off at 2 in the day and i dont like to turn of the light just for a pic because i have to give it some time to cool down before i replug that way i dont fuck it up. But some days i get that special chance to take a few with no lights so you can see their real color. As for the papaya in the computer modem she is going to be going into flower some time this week i am pretty sure. I want to make sure i dont run out of room on that one!!


Awesome plants man. That pc grow is pretty damn nice, nice L.S.T. your doing. Random question, what kind of glass do you have? those ash catchers are bad ass!


Well-Known Member
Awesome plants man. That pc grow is pretty damn nice, nice L.S.T. your doing. Random question, what kind of glass do you have? those ash catchers are bad ass!
Thanks for coming and checking out my grow broski. Well i have 4 pieces of quality water bong at the moment. I havent had much free time so they are not all cleaned right now or else i would post some pics. My line up consists of Governmint single perc bell bottom w/ zong inline diffuser/ ashcatcher, also have the Illadelph that is a straight tube disk perc in ashcatcher w/ upstem, Junior Hi Si with upside down u-perc w/ Hi Si ashcatcher, and the newest piece to my collection is my Sheldon Black straight tube with a Sheldon Black ash catcher. Thanks for the compliments and stay posted will be posting some pics for you guys maybe later on today!!!


Well-Known Member
Nothing new here no signs of hairs yet... Maybe tomorrow.. No worries tho.. Any ways i pulled them out of the cab just and out of the straight light. Figured i would also share some new pictures of the garden. I also move the plant in the garden to inside of a tube that i have that is 6' tall and about 3' wide I spray painted the inside of it satin white so it reflects as much light as possible seeing that the tube is so tall it wont get much light for long so any ways i will just have to see what happens. Here are the pics guys enjoy!!!015.jpg004.jpg007.jpgView attachment 1581512View attachment 1581511View attachment 1581513009.jpg008.jpg003.jpg


Active Member
plants are looking awsome dude... Verry healthy looking too im interested to see how that tube works out for ya it seems like a good idea have u thought about maybe trimming it in half untill you girl gets a little bigger and then reinstalling the other half to keep it stealth?


Plants look happy man :eyesmoke: and nice ass glass collection dude! haha u literrally have glass gold, good glass + good bud = good time :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
plants are looking awsome dude... Verry healthy looking too im interested to see how that tube works out for ya it seems like a good idea have u thought about maybe trimming it in half untill you girl gets a little bigger and then reinstalling the other half to keep it stealth?
Hey man thanks for stopping by!! As for the plant in the tube she will be moved out today just going to go hide here deep in the woods. My parents wanted me to hide it right undera huge shade tree so I have to go hide it somewhere else thant back yard. But if I left it in the tube I would have deff cut the bitxh in half till she gets bigger!


Well-Known Member
Plants look happy man :eyesmoke: and nice ass glass collection dude! haha u literrally have glass gold, good glass + good bud = good time :blsmoke:
So which one is gold in your mind. My goldest piece in my mind is the Illadelph thing hits like a mo fuggin champ. It amazed me I am in one of the strictest states and I am still getting some of the most chronic buds I have ever seen. Well if your ever in fl hit me up maybe we will blaze outta all of um


Well-Known Member
Well guys it feels like i just hit puberty:mrgreen:any ways here is the first pic taken of my first pre flowers today... Gotta love it008.jpg


So which one is gold in your mind. My goldest piece in my mind is the Illadelph thing hits like a mo fuggin champ. It amazed me I am in one of the strictest states and I am still getting some of the most chronic buds I have ever seen. Well if your ever in fl hit me up maybe we will blaze outta all of um[/QUOTE

I would prob. choose the inline zong, just because it reminds me of a huge fancy ass bubbler PUFF PUFF PASS!!! I actually have a collectable....Lux Scientific Triple perc with roor downstem/diffuser and a roor ashcather n roor downstem attached. Broke my bowl piece tho. Gayness. N dude, your ladies r a a step closer to pleasing their master :joint: Dont you luv how the hairs make you feel when u first see them :mrgreen:
I actually live in FL dude, haha its a small world after all. Respect for FL growers!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro i know what you mean bout the zong.. that was my first piece for the new place and i have just been getting more ever since.. this collection has been put together in about 6 months.. can you imagine it in another year!!! what part of florida you living in north or south?