NMR Analysis


Active Member
Can someone please pm me if they can help me make sense of an NMR analysis for a certain research chemical?

I don't mean to be vague, but I don't want to violate any rules by posting an image hosted by a vendor, even though it is NOT the vendor that I have been corresponding with.



Well-Known Member
Even if it looked/was an accurate NMR analysis they could easily have just pulled it off a different website no?
Did you check that the vendor was legit?


Active Member
I've used this vendor before, and I was satisfied with the product. I received a free sample of MDAI along with the other product, and after trying it, and enjoying it, i'm looking into it further.


Active Member
cool man.. thanks a lot

I've already tried their MDAI, and its definitely legit.
If i were a vendor selling MDAI, then I would post an NMR for MDAI. So i think they sent me an NMR for MDAI.

My real question is how to i determine how impure the sample is based on the random spikes that shouldnt be there? If someone can confirm that the NMR is actually MDAI, then that would be great too haha!