No clue what's wrong.....please help (pics & info)


Well-Known Member
well, i've read through the FAQ a few times, trying to figure out what is going on with my plant, but i'm totally lost.

it is 5 weeks into flowering. i'm growing in a box made from two rubbermaid tubs, with 8 23w CFLs. The lights are about 1" from the hightest buds.

I'm feeding every 4 - 5 days with 1.5-4-5 organic nutes, Ph balanced to ~6.6. the runoff is reading at ~6.3 - 6.4. Last week I was camping for a couple of nights, and so it went a full week without being watered. that is the only thing i've done differently lately.

The problem emerged over about 3 - 4 days. Some of the leaves are starting to turn purple, and others are drying out and turning orange, like trees in the fall.

The purple does not rub off, and does not smell like mould or mildew, so I don't think that's the problem.

could it be a problem with being in a grow box? should I finish the plant somewhere less confined?

please, any advice is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
don't know the strain. seeds given to me, grown on my cousin's farm.

there are a few dry, crisp brown leaves, but the purple ones are not. they feel normal.

are there fungi that grow, but don't rub off and are hard to smell? I'm a little paranoid that i'll loose my whole plant to mould.


Well-Known Member
the purple leafs looks OK to me.browning of some of the leafs is absolutly normal.not all ofcourse.look for other answers, because i don't want me to be the person who killed somebodys plants :) good luck.peace

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
The yellowing and drooping comes from the plant using up it's stored nute's. The purple looks to be the plant strain. They are dying while in the last stages of flowering and the plant will reflect that because it's putting all it's energy into hoping it's going to get pollenated by growing the bud sites. They look fine to me...