No Evidence For Islam


Well-Known Member
Wow! Now I have heard everything.'s the Jew's fault! Most religions can be tied back to astrology and have similar traits because they have been copied and slightly modified from one another. They were founded at times of a huge informational void when people where scared of the dark. The rest was herd mentality and fear. Now the herd is more interested in Facebook.


Well-Known Member
hey, what do you mean with that orginal post.??? that islam has no real stuff to base its self on. as guy incognito says the koran is proof of a religous following way back to before any of those so called facts say..
Islam is based entirely on a voice that someone supposedly heard. That's fact! To answer your other question, I'm an Atheist and an equal opportunity religion basher. For instance, I previously posted a link to an article that debunks Christianity once and for all:

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
How does that article debunk christianity?

The first issue that I have with Christianity is if Jesus Christ was the son of God then why didn't he tell the people during his time that the Earth was round and that it orbited the sun? It isn't unreasonable to expect that the son of the being who supposedly created the solar system would have known that. Why didn't Jesus tell people that there were huge continents on the other side of the planet that were inhabited by tens of thousands of people? Why didn't Jesus tell his followers about the things that make people sick? Wasn't healing supposed to be one of his things? Well, why didn't he tell people about viruses and bacteria? The reason, of course, is because Jesus obviously knew little about the natural world.

I'm sorry, folks, but that would've been a complete and total impossibility for someone who was really the son of the Creator. And to drive that point home even further, keep in mind that Christian scholars even claim that, according to certain passages in the Bible, Jesus and God were actually one in the same. God was Jesus. Jesus was God. The bottom line is that there's certain things that Jesus Christ should've known if he was really who the Christians say he was, but he didn't.
If jesus was god he certainly would have known that stuff, and you would have expected him to reveal that stuff. Him not explicitly stating it doesn't really "debunk" or prove anything. It doesn't prove he didn't know. It doesn't even prove he didn't say it. It only proves that there is no record as far as we know of him stating it.


Well-Known Member
Like a lot people today, I have no use for organized religion in my life.
As far as evidence, no religion has anymore evidence than I have of the boogey man.
That being said, I don't have a problem with anyone's beliefs either.
I don't really care what people believe either. That isn't the problem. The problem is when people can't believe somethting without wanting to force what they believe in on others. That's the problem

However, Islam has failed to reconcile with the modern world regardless of what may or may not be in it's teachings verbatim.
It's the interpertation and fanaticism that has become a global plague.
And it's all based on nothing more than a voice


When you consider the control that Islam has over the daily lives of its followers and the impact that the faith has on the rest of the world, including Islamic extremism, it might come as a surprise to know that there is absolutely no evidence to support what the religion is actually based on:
It might come as a surprise to you that none of the links to your shit-spewing website are working.

I have only been a member of this forum for about an hour, but I have got to say that you are the most uneducated, willfully ignorant, annoying person I have encountered in quite some time.



Well-Known Member
It might come as a surprise to you that none of the links to your shit-spewing website are working.

I have only been a member of this forum for about an hour, but I have got to say that you are the most uneducated, willfully ignorant, annoying person I have encountered in quite some time.

lol, there's your problem...


Well-Known Member
ahh religion......... its a form of control..... lets walk threw this...... thousands of years ago they didnt have any interpol, d.n.a. video camera ect... people were bad to one another just like they are to this very day.... so somebody was like shit i cant watch everybody all the time and make sure there not doing bad... so what should i do..... they came up with the perfect solution... religion... brainwashing people into beleaveing certain things, making them think that just because no humane saw you do something you should beware cuzz god is always watching and will punish you by going to hell blah blah blah, and if your good god will notice and allow you into heaven... its all about control, and hope... imagine if everybody thought life is what you make it.... and we werent brainwashed to being how we are now.... is stealing really bad? is killing someone wrong { when it has been happenin since the dawn of time since birth of man, since dinosaurs, and after all us its natural instinct}

we has people have to beleave that there is something better then this struggle of a life, otherwise life would be just unbearable..... i for one live by my own codes, and morals..... and i have never found myself asking the question "what would jesus do"


lol, there's your problem...
There was a time that you were a member of this forum for an hour, so I guess you had the same "problem". Thankfully, neither of us have that "problem" anymore.

To the person that I directed my first post to, thanks for fixing your links. I'm sure I will be transfixed by your illuminating prose all day.


Well-Known Member
There was a time that you were a member of this forum for an hour, so I guess you had the same "problem". Thankfully, neither of us have that "problem" anymore.

To the person that I directed my first post to, thanks for fixing your links. I'm sure I will be transfixed by your illuminating prose all day.
Just meant stick around ;), you'll see plenty of crazy/stupid/insane! Guarantee it! Haven't seen this individual post for a while, but just wait till you come across Babs34... oh my! I have a list of names of unique individuals... keeps it pretty entertaining! :)


Just meant stick around ;), you'll see plenty of crazy/stupid/insane! Guarantee it! Haven't seen this individual post for a while, but just wait till you come across Babs34... oh my! I have a list of names of unique individuals... keeps it pretty entertaining! :)
Ah. I was ready for the shit-slinging to begin because of my post, jumped the gun a little. Apologies for the misinterpretation.

Thanks for the heads up about Babs34. Looking, uh, forward (?) to making their acquaintance.

Based on the size of this forum, it doesn't surprise me that there are plenty of "unique" folks like Babs & Trish loitering about. Let the fun commence!