Noam Chomsky LOL


Well-Known Member
Many of us understand exactly what he is talking about but we doubt that you would understand it so everybody who understands it has asked me to tell you that we're going out for a smoke while you calm down and think it through. Nobody else thinks that you'll get but I'm an eternal optomist and I think that you'll reach outside your envelope of comfort and expand your world view to include new ideas. Good luck, I know you'll join us soon.

Oh the usual "you are too closed minded to understand libertarian socialism" argument. Still waiting on a rebuttal, not holding my breath.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Oh the usual "you are too closed minded to understand libertarian socialism" argument. Still waiting on a rebuttal, not holding my breath.
dude. youre just holding onto your hangups.

you've got to let that shit go and embrace the new.

you see, the reason you cannot accept or understand the genius of chomsky is all those Thetans who are messing you up with their engrams.

for the low low price of $25,000 to $80,000 we can totally help you audit those engrams away.

once you're free of those thetans and their engrams youll be fully self-actualized and ready to step onto The Bridge (toll on The Bridge, ~ $75,000) and when you get to the other side, youll be ready to become an Operating Thetan... (costs for OT1 ~$10,000)

and once you reach OT3 (~$50,000 later) youll learn that Thetans are actually the cause of all disease and hardship in the world (and you thought that was Republicans...)

you see,

74 million years ago this area of the galaxy was controlled by the galactic overlord Xenu, and Xenu had an overpopulation problem.
so Xenu lured in all his excess population for phony tax audits, and then tricked them into drinking a mixture of alcohol and glycol which rendered them unconscious, then he froze them into blocks of ice.
Xenu loaded the unconcious frozen aliens into Space Planes (which looked exactly like DC8's but with Rocket Motors...) and flew them to the planet Teegeeack (which we call Earth)
he had the frozen aliens stacked up around volcanoes, and then set off the volcanoes with Atomics killing all the frozen aliens.
but Xenu didnt want their sould flying free to be reincarnated on his planets, so he caught the alien souls with an energy ray that was sticky like flypaper.
once he had collected all those souls he put them into 3d movie theatres for brainwashing,, where they were taught to believe in gods and religions and other such things, then they were so confused they would never find their way back home.

millions of years later humans evolved and the Thetans saw a form that they sort of recognized, and they all crowded onto the new lifeforms trying to get in, and the alien brainwashed ghosts have been plagueing us ever since.

until you free yourself of not just your body thetans (pre-OT1 auditing) but your Mind Thetans (OT9) you can never acheive mastery of Matter-Energy-Space-Time (MEST) and become a superbeing, like L Ron Hubbard did.

you do want to be a superbeing dont you?


New Member
dude. youre just holding onto your hangups.

you've got to let that shit go and embrace the new.

you see, the reason you cannot accept or understand the genius of chomsky is all those Thetans who are messing you up with their engrams.

for the low low price of $25,000 to $80,000 we can totally help you audit those engrams away.

once you're free of those thetans and their engrams youll be fully self-actualized and ready to step onto The Bridge (toll on The Bridge, ~ $75,000) and when you get to the other side, youll be ready to become an Operating Thetan... (costs for OT1 ~$10,000)

and once you reach OT3 (~$50,000 later) youll learn that Thetans are actually the cause of all disease and hardship in the world (and you thought that was Republicans...)

you see,

74 million years ago this area of the galaxy was controlled by the galactic overlord Xenu, and Xenu had an overpopulation problem.
so Xenu lured in all his excess population for phony tax audits, and then tricked them into drinking a mixture of alcohol and glycol which rendered them unconscious, then he froze them into blocks of ice.
Xenu loaded the unconcious frozen aliens into Space Planes (which looked exactly like DC8's but with Rocket Motors...) and flew them to the planet Teegeeack (which we call Earth)
he had the frozen aliens stacked up around volcanoes, and then set off the volcanoes with Atomics killing all the frozen aliens.
but Xenu didnt want their sould flying free to be reincarnated on his planets, so he caught the alien souls with an energy ray that was sticky like flypaper.
once he had collected all those souls he put them into 3d movie theatres for brainwashing,, where they were taught to believe in gods and religions and other such things, then they were so confused they would never find their way back home.

millions of years later humans evolved and the Thetans saw a form that they sort of recognized, and they all crowded onto the new lifeforms trying to get in, and the alien brainwashed ghosts have been plagueing us ever since.

until you free yourself of not just your body thetans (pre-OT1 auditing) but your Mind Thetans (OT9) you can never acheive mastery of Matter-Energy-Space-Time (MEST) and become a superbeing, like L Ron Hubbard did.

you do want to be a superbeing dont you?
A republicunt zionist scientologist... what a wierd combination... it makes sense now your IO with the lot of 'em...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

You had no right stealing Scientology IP. If you bought it, then you broke your TOS. I hope they SP you and become FG.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
w t f a y t a?
dude if you knew scientology that shit is hilarious.

as wacky as their "religious technology" is (see the above posted space opera event) the way they defend their "Intellectual Property" from "Suppressive Persons" (like me) is insanely hilarious.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Oh the usual "you are too closed minded to understand libertarian socialism" argument. Still waiting on a rebuttal, not holding my breath.
I am very glad you have decided to stop holding your breath. Do you know that holding your breath for too long will hurt your ability to think?

You can probably stop waiting for a rebuttal too. I don't think anyone is willing to waste their time on that.


Well-Known Member
I am very glad you have decided to stop holding your breath. Do you know that holding your breath for too long will hurt your ability to think?

You can probably stop waiting for a rebuttal too. I don't think anyone is willing to waste their time on that.
You can probably stop waiting for the neighbourhood kids to walk by and offering them candy.

Shits not cool bro.


New Member
Yur knowledge of the subject is innate.

Please, do go on.

Why'd your Grandaddy move to Aus? He was sent there due to his "role in the priesthood"?

Explains things...
Escape communism he hated it with a passion... I've said before no irish in me so no pre-disposition to those sick urges aye one in four...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yur knowledge of the subject is innate.

Please, do go on.

Why'd your Grandaddy move to Aus? He was sent there due to his "role in the priesthood"?

Explains things...
dude, that van is not even windowless.

any passing cop can see the tearstained air mattress and the bloodstained Garanimals littering the cargo area.

echi might as well hang out a sign advertising his pederasty.


Well-Known Member
I am very glad you have decided to stop holding your breath. Do you know that holding your breath for too long will hurt your ability to think?

You can probably stop waiting for a rebuttal too. I don't think anyone is willing to waste their time on that.
Common Libertarian Socialist response, you forgot to call me a bourgeois vanguard, though.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
that picture was not taken in ireland.

the van is a ford econoline 350, which is not sold in ireland, and its not available in right hand drive.


Well-Known Member
that picture was not taken in ireland.

the van is a ford econoline 350, which is not sold in ireland, and its not available in right hand drive.
Name a famous Australian who isn't an actor.

Lol, there are none, cos Australians are dumb as fuck.

And all pedderasts if epaedobear121 is anything to go by...


Active Member
I'm a libertarian socialist. It allows me to find common ground with my dumbfuck tea party drinking buddies, and still talk those Occupy bitches into the sack. I can do all that and remain ideologically consistent.

I think Noam's apparent contradiction is a reflection of the love/hate relationship large corporations have with the government. On one hand the government has the audacity to impose regulations on every aspect of their business, they tax them, tell them who they can or can't do business with, tell them who they can merge with, how to treat their employees, etc.

But on the other hand, the government also enforces their draconian copyright laws, bails them out when they're in trouble, threatens foreign governments with sanctions if they don't allow them in, gives some of them huge subsidies, and gives them sweet ass no bid contracts with almost no oversight.

So do some corporations love the Nanny State? You bet your ass. Does Ron Paul's libertarian utopia give other corporations rock solid erections? Yeah... probably.