Noob Curing Woes

I chopped my photoperiod pre 98 bubba kush 15 weeks after flipping to 12/12. It seemed to take forever for the trichomes to mature. I definitely gave it a considerable amount of light stress with a little under watering. I THINK that's what may have contributed to the extra long flowering time but I'll hopefully keep this is check for my next one.

After wet trimming I hanged them in my tent with the humidity at 65% for the first three days and then 50% for two, temps around 21C/70F. To me they felt crispy and the stems were snapping so I jarred them. Well I was wrong. After a 1/2 day the humidity in the jar was 80% so I pulled them out, put them on a plate in my tent with the humidity at 50% overnight. I woke up the next day and put them back into my jar. 24 hours later and the humidity in the jar is at 62%. I'm afraid I may have over dried them.

I'm a little hesitant to burp because I don't want the humidity to drop more. The potency is actually pretty good. I smoked some and it was a nice high and quite strong compared to the medical flower I get. The hay smell is my main concern that I'm HOPING goes away after a couple weeks. I think only time will tell. How do you think I should handle curing this one to salvage it as best as I can?

Thanks dudes and dudettes.