Noob Help Review Please


Active Member
This is my cron plant ive had outside its been planted for like a week or two
jsut wondering how its doing growth wise
how much more time before budding will come
ive uploaded my pictures
also is that a big enough pot?
sohuld i switch it to a bigger pot
i only want my plant to get like 2 or 3.4 feet high is it possible to get it that high
and harvest
how much bud would i harvest weight wise if i could only make it grow to be 3 feet
and in one of the pictures i have a round life thats kinda yellow at the top
is this bad?
should i pluck that leaf
please any suggestions would help thanks



Well-Known Member
never "pick" off a leaf, thats a cotyledon "starter" leaf it will eventually fall off by itself
yes you will need a bigger pot about 3 to 5 gal. you have to wait to sex it it might be male


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I'd say it needs a little stronger light. More light above might help straighten that stem out a bit. As for budding it's going to be awhile yet.
I'd say keep veggin' for atleast 5-6 more weeks and see where it's at from there.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hmm, I'd say it needs a little stronger light. More light above might help straighten that stem out a bit. As for budding it's going to be awhile yet.
I'd say keep veggin' for atleast 5-6 more weeks and see where it's at from there.

Co-sign to that... You are just getting started dude, which is good - gives you weeks to do some reading up and when the time is near you will be all set!

This is a good place to begin...



Active Member
Hmm, I'd say it needs a little stronger light. More light above might help straighten that stem out a bit. As for budding it's going to be awhile yet.
I'd say keep veggin' for atleast 5-6 more weeks and see where it's at from there.
I have it outside in the sun all day
how many more weeks before it gets like 1 or 2 feet tall?