Noob Mistake! Death and Stunned

Well, I killed one and stunted another. My first 2 and I gave them nutes right away. Bad idea! Haha. The one is now dead and the other is stunted. Its sad when my other 4 are a week younger at just a week and twice as big as the one that is bout 2 weeks. Haha. Live and we learn.


Well-Known Member
I cant see how that died from nute burn, no leaf burn and they can take nutes at that age anyway no problems. Looks like it was squashed or the stem rotted.
I cant see how that died from nute burn, no leaf burn and they can take nutes at that age anyway no problems. Looks like it was squashed or the stem rotted.
They were both over watered with nutes which is why the one isn't growing I assume. And the one that died, was fine one minute and withen two hours was like that. But I REALLY overwatered them with nutes at first.

Well-Known Member
They were both over watered with nutes which is why the one isn't growing I assume. And the one that died, was fine one minute and withen two hours was like that. But I REALLY overwatered them with nutes at first.
flush the one that is stunted until the runoff is white dont feed again for awhile until the next node starts coming in at least. what soil are you using and what nutrients?

Buds is right the first looks squashed, but the second you can clearly see the tips starting to burn. Learn to read your plants and not follow what the bottles say. If the bottom tips start to yellow feed right when you see it. When the plant is larger, that is when it gets harder to read them. (not really)

EDIT; after looking at the first picture again it looks like you left a hose running on for 5 days straight going straight into the pot. It might be root rot, but it looks like you killed it with water.
I'm in the same boat, Made the mistake of following the dutch pro chart and It's my first grow so knew no better and started with a 1.8 ec and just destroyed them, I have them on ph 5.7-5.8 water now and they are hanging in there and new growth looks good so will see how they turn out, good luck dude, hope you can pull the one back!
I have flushed the one, and yes, i severely overwatered them at first. I have learned. Haha.

I am using miracle grow for soil. However i am looking into other mixes.