Noob patient growing one plant

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
watering once a day? than can be kind of extreme to do on soil. you definetly have some sort of nutrient lockout with a combonation of wrong ph and overwatering
watering once a day? than can be kind of extreme to do on soil. you definetly have some sort of nutrient lockout with a combonation of wrong ph and overwatering

How would I test to figure out which nutrients are lacking and which ones there are too much of? Do I flush by simply running water through the soil? Watering once a day is too much?

and the most important question... can it still be saved?

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
certain deficiences have tell tale signs. theres a good post on this forum about it. look it up. are you even giving it nutrients? test your ph by buying a kit for your water. test the ph before it goes no the plant. test the runoff of the plant. it should be between 6.2-6.8. 6.5 is premo depending on the kind of soil. have a watering schedule: for example 1/2 gallon every 2 or 3 days. its all about variables to grow good bud
Ok, so I've done some looking around and from what I see, it's telling me that I have a nitrogen deficiency, yet you guys say there's too much. I'm confused.

From what I've read so far on, it seems I'm deficient in Nitrogen, Calcium, Potassium, and possibly boron. One thing that is affected overall on the plant is the burnt looking tips of the leaves.

Additionally, the pH from my tap is 7.8 (i tested with my pool pH tester) and the runoff coming from the bottom is the same. What specifically do I need to get from the store for that?

Finally, I still haven't had an answer to this question... can this plant be saved? It's been going for a little over 3 months now.

If anyone can chime in quickly, I want to run and pick up whatever I need today before the shops close.


poke smot420

Well-Known Member
if there is a defeciency with your plant then you need to find the nutrient that has that in surplus. you never answered my question: are you even giving the plant nutrients now????- if so then what are you using? it really looks like a bad ph imbalance. buy a kit from your local grow shop with the ph up and ph down with a squirty thing and little tube. 7.8 is waaaay high for any kind of marijuana plant so take a gallon jug for example fill it half way with water and ph test it....then put some ph down in it to get it to a more nominal level around 6.5(when testing make sure you do a good washup of the squirty thing and tube b/c it can fuck with your numbers).if all that makes sense then YES IT CAN BE SAVED. i +rep myself


Well-Known Member
Yes, watering once per day is probably too much. The soil should be allowed to dry completely between waterings. Every other day or every third day rather than every single day.

The ph of your water is a bit too high. Have you tested the ph of the soil?

Are you feeding the plant anything besides water, and how much/how often?


Well-Known Member
I'de definately say a nitrogen deficiency. Get some nutes high in nitrogen and add to your watering. Nute burn isn't gradual like that where it turns yellow and then brown and crispy. Nute burn you have bright green healthy leaves with brown crumbling tips.