NOOB, PLEASE HELP!!(rust spots?) (pictures)


Active Member
I have 4 plants under 400w metal halide.
2 plants have started to show rust spots..
What could this be from? It is so hard to research something like this because of how many different types of deficiencies and what not.
Only 2 plants are looking this way, they are same strain than other 2.
I just transplanted to 2G pots from 1G, i am not going to big with my plants.
weeeeed 010.jpgweeeeed 011.jpg


Active Member
Before trying to narrow it down to one nute def, test your run-off water for pH first. it should be between 6and7.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Those leaves also look a little pale. Rust spot can be an indicator of a calcium deficiency but usually shows in youngers leaves first. Being its in the older growth its more likely and early magnesium deficiency. May be time to feed them if your new medium does not already contain some sort of food.


Active Member
Alright, I will do that tomorrow.
I always test my ph in the water before I water, but I guess there could be different ph in the soil..
Assuming a soil ph tester would be beneficial?
If the ph is off that could most definitely be the problem?

Thank you the tips
Hope to see some results in a few days..


Active Member
Those leaves also look a little pale. Rust spot can be an indicator of a calcium deficiency but usually shows in youngers leaves first. Being its in the older growth its more likely and early magnesium deficiency. May be time to feed them if your new medium does not already contain some sort of food.
I have not fed them in a few waterings.. Perhaps that could be part of the problem as well. Thanks


Active Member
Aye, if pH is off by enough it will start nutrient lockout. Often the first symptom is rust spots. If the pH is off, multiple nutrients can be locked out showing a variety of nute deficiencies. Rarther than trying to treat each one in vain, it can be fixed by correcting the pH.

If your pH turns out to be ok, then its on to treating for a specific nute def the hard way :)


Well-Known Member
Hang on before everyone starts throwin out needing nutes and ph and all this stuff those plants look young, r those leaves with the spots the 1st sets of leaves that plant grew? If so those 1st sets of leaves will always start to turn yellow and die its nothing to be worried about or start throwin nutes on it. Anyone think of that?


Active Member
I had started with Prop O Gator root enhancer probably last time i used that was about 2-3 weeks ago.
Used tap water for the first 3-4 weeks, last 2 waterings have been distilled water..
Should probably go down to the hydro store and look for nutrients, what type of better nutrients to buy..?


Active Member
Hang on before everyone starts throwin out needing nutes and ph and all this stuff those plants look young, r those leaves with the spots the 1st sets of leaves that plant grew? If so those 1st sets of leaves will always start to turn yellow and die its nothing to be worried about or start throwin nutes on it. Anyone think of that?
They are young plants, well about 4 weeks. They are the first set, only 3 separate leaves...


Well-Known Member
I did, but I thought it couldnt hurt to check in with th pH. I could be wrong, but it may just be easy to allow those leaves to yellow and die, as opposed to them naturally doing it so early.
as was going to say the rest of the plant is looking lush so leave it alone ;-)


Well-Known Member
And I don't think u need to worry about using distilled water u can always just leave the tap water out for around 24hrs to get rid of chlorine but it wont work for fluoride and chlorimine if it is added to the water in ur area. There was one guy on here said he uses his well water for soil grows and it gives him awesome results because of all the minerals in it, but he can't use it for hydro setups cause it screws up his lines. Also ur soil acts as a buffer for ur plants so as long as ur ph isn't totally screwed up I think ur safe using tap water. 4 nutes u can always get some inexpensive MG liquid plant food for veg or u can get one of the many trio sets of nutes like Fox Farms, Pro Bloom, there r tons.


Active Member
Plants are looking better.
After feeding plants have more than doubled in size in the last 6 days.
Growth is continuing and spots are not occurring.
Vada (30).jpg

I also topped my White Widow plant today. She is about 37 days old. Also just started showing her female parts :D
WW (29).jpgweedtop 002.jpg

Purple Bud has almost tripled in size in the last 6 days.
PB (6).jpg

I transplanted from 1G pots to 2G pots a week ago( do not want plants to big ) roots have started to show coming through the drainage holes.
Good? Bad?
Might block most of the hole to stop them from reaching out, still not enough so the water can still drain obviously.
weedtop 004.jpg