Noob want to grow marijuana


Active Member
Hello, i'm very interested to plant my own marijuana but since i'm a noob at it i will tell you what i'm planing to do and then please comment on that.

I want to plant Big Bud because it has the bigest yield so are these information correct?
Big Bud - Yield(up to 800g), Height (100-140cm);

I will build a closet that is 50cm x 40cm x 150cm(height), but it the size may be changed. 50cm depth will stay but i can get the width a litle longer but then the hieght would

be a litle shorter, because we have a roof under 35°. What dimension would you prefer? It's so small because i need to hide it from my parents :).

I will plant 20 seeds because there is a 50-50 that there would be some males and some wont make it so i think if i plant 20 seeds i would have around 5-10 healty females (i

hope so :D).

My soil mix:
Potting soil 60%
Perlite 15%
Building Sand 10%
Worm Castings 10%
Pre-Mix 5%

Now here is what i do:

I germinate the seeds and then i put them into pots that are around 5x5x10cm with the root down and keep them under constant light (like this but ofcourse in a box with reflecting material) and soil moist for the next 2-3 weeks. The light will be always 10cm from the

plant. On the picture there is a fluorescent lamp, i think it would be good but what wattage should i take since i will have 20 plants at the start.

Now it's the movment time. I will transfer them into 5 liter pots and under a light. Now, witch light would you suggest. I will have around 6 plants in my closet, or do you

think that i can push more plants in my closet? And witch light should i choose and what wattage should i take due to my closet dimensions? I tought that light should be on for

12 hours a day and watering should be every 2-3 days. And that's it about my plants.

Ventilation . i tought about 6 computer fans should be enough, or is this to mutch? 2 for intake, 2 for exhaust, and 2 for air circulation. here is a sketch how would this look

like The air circulation fans would be at the end of the pot and at the bottom of the plants, so it blows directly on the

whole plants, thats why they are under 45°.

I measured the temperature in the room, and because these days it's really hot the maximum temeprature that i measured was 30°C so i think when i'm done with the construction

colder days will come and the ventilation should lower the temperature also. I havent meauser by night but i'm sure it is mutch colder around 22°. So by the daytime the light

would be on and by the night the light would be off, since the temperature must be lower when the lights are off.

Ok this is all folks, please tell me if i missed something and give me answers and advices please. Excuse me for spelling because i aint from USA nor England. THANKS!


Well-Known Member
please have your parents sign a permision slip for you to grow. post that, then we'll talk.

growing in someone's home without consent is a major no-no.



Well-Known Member
you should NEVER grow in someone house without their permission, plant them outside! eventually your parents will find the plants, then who knows what will happen, but if the cops find em first, everybody goes away.


Active Member
A premision for growing weed? Man this surley wont happen, but dont wory there is a slightly litle chance that they will find out. I need to harvest them only once then i move my location.


Well-Known Member
you need to move first babe. if you get caught by police, your parents are going to be the ones to go to prison. their house will probably be siezed, as well as their assets.

this may come off harsh but you need to think of others before you try to grow for yourself.



Well-Known Member
well in canada its not so bad, many cops dont care about two plants, but i still wouldnt take the chance


Active Member
Look don't mind about my parents, nobody wont find out and the police is the last. Man we live in a village and my godfather is a police man. PLEASE don't worry about the caught thing, just help me please...


Well-Known Member
Look don't mind about my parents, nobody wont find out and the police is the last. Man we live in a village and my godfather is a police man. PLEASE don't worry about the caught thing, just help me please...
Why should we? It's highly likely you're under 18. You're growing in someone else's house WITHOUT their permission. Honestly, this seems like a very selfish grow. A lot of us don't wish to be a part of adding to the delinquency of children and getting their parents in trouble too. It doesn't matter who the hell your godfather is, and if you try and get him to help you out if you get caught, that's low because he could lose everything.


Active Member
Oh man you ppl suck... i tought some body would explain me nicley but noooooo. And this isnt a selfish grow, me and my buddies would grow this for us (and sell some). How can you tell me that i'm to young to plant marijuana when it's illegal? if you dont want to help me please say nothing.


Well-Known Member
So you're going to put 20 plants in a 20" by 16" space? What are you going to stack them on top of each other? Good luck with that...
LMAO! I was thinking the same thing....

Also speaking as a responsible cannabis user, growing in your parents' home without their permission is incredibly disrespectful and stupid - if your garden was discovered by law enforcement, regardless of how many or how few plants you have, your parents could potentially lose everything they've worked for - house, car, boat, whatever - simply trying to keep you or themselves out of jail. In the States the DEA would make an example of a situation like yours. Even if you live in a country with more lenient marijuana laws, growing in your parents' home without their permission and going to great lengths to keep it from them is just dishonerable.
I'm not trying to flame you, man, I'm just hoping you'll rethink your grow strategy and show a little more respect for the people who keep a roof over your head and food in your mouth.:peace:


Active Member
Look don't mind about my parents, nobody wont find out and the police is the last. Man we live in a village and my godfather is a police man. PLEASE don't worry about the caught thing, just help me please...

Dude, are you saying that you live in a village and some guy you're not related to is a cop? If I'd had known all that I would've helped sooner! I do think you should rethink your whole grow though, okay? How about instead of growing Big Bud, or bud in general, you grow tomatoes. That way whatever you and your buddies don't use, you can sell. Ain't nothing like slangin' them Big Round Reds my man!


Active Member
your asking for trouble, your space is way to small for that many plants. the thing with your rents i wont even get into. And if you really want to grow you need to do some research until you have a nice spot picked out, there are a million tutorials out there, and 100% of your questions can be answered in the growFAQ. except the one about why you want to see your parents in jail.


Active Member
ah forget about it, you actually goth me to think about it, and well i decided to grow it any way :P, i just moved the location to our second house.

and if i would be discovered by a cop, they wouldn't take our house or car or anything because we have some MOTHER FUCKING DISASTER LAWS. We don't even have drug classification. it doesn't matter if you have cocaine or marijuana, its all the same by us. if you poses drugs you can get max 1 year prison, but 95% of people get away with a ticket (or what ever you call when you have to pay money to the government and not getting jail time). so i live in a fucked up country, where my parent's cant go in jail!

if you ppl would read my whole post you would understeand how and why 20 plants.


Well-Known Member
bro, u gotta take into account how stinky it is to grow. i got like 4 plants right now and u can smell them from the main floor(currently in my basement in a closet)