NOOO!! I think my only girl is dying help me save her please!


Active Member
Ok so Im in florida and tropical storm fay is here. So the first night I took the plant inside and it started looking really droopy so I thought it wasnt getting enough oxygen or something so I brought it back outside on my balcony but it was really windy and was blowing the plant over so i leaned it up on the wall but this morning I saw one set of leaves got really scratched up from rubbing on the wall there all like holey and hard feeling.:roll: I brought it back inside so it can get a break from the wind what should I do for my plant?:-? should I cut the little section of leaves that got damaged off or is that bad to do? should I take it inside every night till its not windy? please help i sware i will cry if she dies :cry:

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Keep her out of the wind, don't cut any leaves off, and when the sun comes out she will straighten right up. Good Luck