Not a growing question, but marijuana related.


Well-Known Member
So basically I'm just starting to smoke weed again, after about a 2 year absence in my life.

All my stoner buddies from high school have moved away now, and I'm looking for some contacts to buy the stuff from.

Thing is I don't know where to start looking. It's hardly out in the open where you can buy the weed as it's still somewhat illegal here still.

So any advice where I could start finding people? I'm not a very active person so raves and such are out of the question.

I've considered asking my various co-workers if they could hook me up. That would be a bit tricky as I'd have to find out just who is a smoker as well, without getting aggressive at all.


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem as i move from one place to another. Work is the best place to ask, never let me down yet. But the best solution is... growing.... :)