Not sure


Active Member many post so much to read and have read a ton of these post.
Here is my problem. First 400watt Switchable. I am in flowering stage 2week. Ph is in range. Temp is 78.6 .
Soil, 5 gallon pots, great air circulation, nutrients have pics. yes i use less then what is said on the bottle. Water every 2 days about 8 onces. (when watering, i am using nut every watering. I am little confused about the whole watering with nut stuff. Not sure if i should maybe us plain water every other watering. or what Info on this would be appreciated. But lots of yellowing pics not that great but maybe u can get the idea of what my problem is



Well-Known Member
What is your PH?

You should probably water more than 8 16 at least....about every 4th day. You should also throw in a plain water feeding every oooh 3rd time or so.

Leaves turn yellow during flowering due to the "N" level being low. No worries.

Your pics would look much better if you took them with the HID light off.


Active Member
Just checked Ph its 6.6. ill try and post better pictures tomorrow. Really appreciate the reply Bone Thanks.