Note to self thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
note to self: if you go swimming in the gym and put your trunks in a plastic bag.. don't leave it in that bag for a week.. on the same note: if you have protein shakes don't leave the last sip in the container for any longer than 8 hours.. especially not a week :spew:
Note to self: When inda visits it's shower him, wash his clothes and screen him for every communicable disease known to man (and woman), above all don't forget to screen for nuclear or other toxic waste.


Well-Known Member
Note to self: this is a hangover

secondary note to self: c2c is going to shower me, so I can skip that activity for a bit.. My mornings just freed up


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Note to self: this is a hangover

secondary note to self: c2c is going to shower me, so I can skip that activity for a bit.. My mornings just freed up
LOL note to self: buy fire hose....

PS I'm hung over too! I spent last night in the spa with a bong and a beer.... GREAT night.... bad morning.


Well-Known Member
One more for discussion trolls tongue #2.jpgtrolls tongue norway.jpgwhat a view! just remember its not the fall that kills ya its the landing and stuff!


Well-Known Member
Stoner ALERT!

If the rock broke off and they all fell. Couldn't they just jump off the rock at the last possible second to reduce impact?

AHAHHA I know that is retarded. but I am high and bored. and this thread was dry for 3 days, until Beech brought it back to life again! :) Good to see you around posting BEECH. You still in PM mode?


Well-Known Member
Nope,just had a bad night with a thread,and worried chitless about going to the Dentist, and getting 10-15 pulled for my Dentures!
Plus a ripper got some of my Babys,and im soo pissed,Ive been up late trying to catch the basterds.Praying I dont get them on my land!!


Well-Known Member
No need to worry about the teeth bro. only hurts for a few days really............. I didn't even take the pain meds I was prescribed. I had 23 teeth removed in under 24 hours(6pm apt on night and 12noon apt the next day to finish) stitches and everything in my mouth. wasn't exactly fun but. it's better than the pain of having them stay right?

as for the ripper... What the fuck is going on here. so many beans being stolen out the mail.
packages continue to arrive at residence empty.....
I thought at first, maybe a few were just because weed was decriminalized those states so they didn't charge you...
because they were never in your possession......
but didn't customs send out a letter or something in place of the package before? now just shipping with tape on it???


Well-Known Member
I can sympathize Beech, I've been going thru a lot of dental work myself and finally in the home stretch getting it done. I have to go tomorrow for a cleaning and dread even that. I am not a fan of going to the dentist but it's a damned necessity.

Note to self: Never slack on the flossing again, it causes cavities between your teeth and its not worth the pain of shots and fillings.



Well-Known Member
Snapshot_20130820.JPG Nice scary picture for you all! :) Like my 6 teeth??????????????????????????????(they are not yellow!lol. this webcam sucks.) My 19 month old daughther has more than me! No fair... lol